Forever Curves - Piper Sullivan Page 0,6

if I was lying or holding back. I hoped she had no idea I was doing a little bit of both. “What’s that mean?”

Sophie wore her skepticism like an expensive accessory. “Do you plan on seeing Grant again? Have you set up your second date?”

And that was the other reason I wasn’t ready to proclaim Grant Lopez a good guy. After a date that fun and a night that ended so well, what kind of man wouldn’t call after that? A player, that’s who. “We didn’t talk about it.” Not between rounds of sex, and not during the long hot make out session at the door before we said goodbye.

Olive sighed, annoyed. “So, it was just one date and you’re done?”

“I don’t know. We didn’t talk about a second date.” Probably because you gave it up on the first night. At least that’s what Jessie May would have said if I’d told her how the night ended, which I hadn’t. Yet. Maybe that’s why he didn’t call, and if that was the case, I decided I was all right with that. I didn’t want a guy sticking around just waiting to get laid.

Sophie sighed and stepped in close, staring me right in the eyes. “Would you go out with Grant again, if he asked?”

“I don’t know. Maybe.” Definitely.

I should have giving my answer more thought, because the shared smile between Olive and Sophie sent a stab of fear through me. They were up to something, I just knew it. “Perfect,” Olive said and turned on her heels.

“We’ll be in touch,” Sophie said, almost as if they were sharing a thought. “Have a good day ladies.” She gave a short finger wave to the rapt audience that was Barbara and Duffy, before following Olive out.

“Grant? That hunky new guy who works at the bodyguard school?” Duffy clapped her wrinkled hands excitedly. “Tell us everything. That man flirts so well, I can only imagine the things he can do naked.”


“What? I’m old, not dead. And I have a very active imagination,” she said around a laugh as she wiggled her eyebrows.

“Too active sometimes, if you ask me,” Barbara added with a grumble.

“No one asked you, Babs.” Duffy laughed again before her gaze, and then Barbara’s, zeroed in on me. Expectant.

“He can dance,” I offered with a hesitant smile, thankful that the mention of a man who can dance sent the conversation hurtling into another direction.


“Good job today, guys. Rest up, because the afternoon course is twice as hard.” This week’s group was a bunch of new retirees gearing up for their first jobs in personal security, and we were all determined to make sure they were prepared. Over prepared.

“Twice as hard for you, maybe. Old man.” I didn’t see who said it, but I could guess.

“Don’t let this handsome mug fool you, Kirkland, I can still kick your ass.” The rest of the guys laughed and ‘ohhed’ as guys tended to do when they got together. “Don’t forget to hydrate.”

“Yes sir!” Old habits died hard, so I didn’t bother telling them to just call me Lopez. Again.

I shook my head and made my way to the small office that had been set aside for me. I didn’t need much room for files and papers, and mostly I just used the gymnasium to plot out my obstacle courses. But some parts of the job required a desk and a computer, so that’s where I was headed when a pair of heels click-clacking on the hard floors stopped me in my tracks. I turned slowly and saw Eva marchinh towards me, an angry vision in red. “Eva! To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

“Don’t you flash that dimple at me, Grant Lopez.” She pointed one long red nail in my direction and I took a step back.

“What are you talking about?”

She sucked in an outraged breath as if I was some kind of mind reader or something, glancing left and then right, like all of sudden she was worried about privacy. “I’m talking about, Brenna.” She whispered the name as if I couldn’t figure out why she ambushed me at the office.

“I figured that much. What’s the problem?” We hadn’t talked about it, but there was an unspoken agreement between us to keep our night together between us. Just the two of us. I nodded for Eva to follow me inside.

“The problem is, Grant, that it’s been more than a week and you’ve kept us hanging. More importantly, you’ve kept Brenna Copyright 2016 - 2024