Forever Curves - Piper Sullivan Page 0,5

one night stand of my entire life. The man knew how to please a woman and he was eager to please, something I’ve always appreciated in a guy. My legs were shaky for a day or two afterwards, and even now, just the memory of the way he’d taken me with his mouth up against the door, was enough to get me all hot and bothered.

Luckily my afternoon appointments started to arrive, sixty year old best friends who came every other week for the full salon gossip experience. “Barbara and Duffy, how are you ladies doing?”

Barbara waved off the question. “We’re fine. What we want to know is who put that big grin on your face? Spill, honey.”

Oh there was no way in hell I was spilling the details of my date with Grant. It was too fun and too special to ruin by sharing. I wanted to think of that night untainted by expectation or gossip.

“I’ll give you an extra three minutes of scalp massage if you change the subject.”

Barbara smiled and shook her head. “I have a massage in two days so get to talkin’ honey.” She took a seat in an empty chair and I grabbed two smocks to drape across the women. “We’re waiting. Let a couple of old ladies live vicariously through you.”

“I’m just happy that business is going so well,” I told her. “New business don’t often do well, but thanks to customers like you ladies, my business is boomin’.”

“Bull hockey,” Duffy said, disappointment heavy in her voice.

The bell over the door sounded and I sighed, hoping I wouldn’t have to turn away a walk-in. “Be with you in a moment,” I called out as the sound of high heels sounded on my hard floors. Something told me not to turn around, but I was never good at listening to my instincts, no matter how hard I tried. “Sophie. Olive. Hey.”

“Don’t you hey us,” Olive said, hands resting on top of her pregnant belly. “We came to see how your date went.”

“Oh, a date,” Duffy said in a sing-song voice.

“I knew there was a reason,” Barbara added with a smile.

I sighed, ignoring the old women in favor of the younger women with the expectant looks aimed in my direction. “I haven’t even had time to process how it went yet.”

“It’s been three days, and I think we’ve been patient.” Sophie didn’t mince her words and her matter-of-fact tone said she wouldn’t be deterred easily. “How did it go?”

“It’s been six months,” Barbara said, her tone letting me know exactly how pathetic she thought that was. “It’s about time.”

“Good for you, getting back out there,” Duffy said, her tone almost not at all condescending.

I sighed and sent a glare towards both older women. Okay, fine, it had been a lone damn time since I went out on a date, but in my defense my ex did a good job of souring me on the notion of love and relationships. I still was, despite using a matchmaker. But living in a small town where all of your friends were startin’ to couple up, meant I had to at least try to get back out there. Didn’t it? “They’re all liars, why should I line up for that circus again?” If a man was a liar, a thief or a cheater, chances were good that I would fall for him.

“But that’s not Grant,” Olive insisted. “You came to us so we could weed out the jerks and the liars and the psychopaths, so trust the process.”

“And if you can’t trust the process, trust us,” Sophie added with a scowl. “The algorithm works. And Grant is a good guy.”

I wanted to believe that, because everything I knew of him so far said he was a good man. But he was also too pretty and too charming, and guys like that couldn’t keep it in their pants. They couldn’t resist using their looks and their charms to manipulate, to cheat. Then again, was I searching for fidelity? Maybe, but maybe what I should be searching for is fun.

Grant had that in spades.

“The date went well,” I finally relented. “We had barbecue and went line dancing, so it’s safe to say that we both had a good time.” The fact that they’d found me a man who could dance was a point in their favor and I wasn’t afraid to tell them so. “Good job, ladies. It was a good match.”

“Was?” Olive leaned forward, staring at my face to see Copyright 2016 - 2024