Forbidden Heart (Hearts of the Highlands #6) - Paula Quinn Page 0,96

neck with my own hands.”

She turned up one end of her lips. “How will you do that with your wrists tied to the bed?”

Galeren’s blood boiled. “Tell me where she is or ye will find oot.”

“What does it matter? You speak as if you are confident of breaking free. Let me assure you, you will never be free again.”

He gave her quick, doubtful grin.

For a moment, she looked worried.

“How did ye get past the guards?”

She shrugged. “A small forest fire in the opposite direction drew them away from their posts.” Her mocking smile deepened into a snarl. “Not so well protected is it?”

She was correct. If he lived through this, the guards would be reprimanded for leaving their posts.

“Where has he taken Silene?” he demanded again. “I saw the steward take her.”

She looked as if she had things to say…or scream. “She is homely with her short, orange hair and dotted face. Truly, Captain,” she implored. “What is the point you are trying to prove? That you are not a simple-minded man who thinks with his—” she pointed to the fur covering him from his waist down. “Anyone who knows you, knows you are not such a fool.”

Galeren was at a loss for words. She wouldn’t see any point that wasn’t in her favor. He didn’t feel like coddling her.

“You have power and wealth,” she reminded him. “The people adore you. You will not give up everything for her.”

“Aye. I already have. She is beautiful, Cecilia, while ye are quite ugly. Where is she?”

She screamed again and stomped to one of her men. She snatched the soldier’s knife from his belt and rushed toward Galeren.

He stared into her eyes, hating that he was going to die this way and not in battle.

Oddly, his heart slowed, as if preparing him for a blade to the chest.

“Cecilia!” a man cried out.

Galeren knew the voice. He opened his eyes to see Will standing in the doorway.

“Ye said ye were only helpin’ the steward get the gel. Ye told me ye had nothin’ in yer heart fer him.”

“I lied,” she told him with a sly smile.

“Will!” Galeren shouted. “What the hell are ye doin’?” No. No. It couldn’t be. Not Will. He pulled on his bindings. He wanted to hit him or worse.

“I love her, Cap. I have fer some time.”

Galeren closed his eyes. He wanted to scream or kill. This was one of his closest friends! The one who…he remembered the children’s confession. The one whom they saw Cecilia kissing. She was the reason he was late in joining them.

“He told me you and your bride were here in the cottage and not in the stronghold,” Cecilia told her. “He wants you dead, Captain.”

“No!” Will shouted. “Ye swore he wouldna be hurt!”

“But ye didna care aboot Silene, did ye, Will. Ye didna care aboot what happened to her.”


“And if I married Cecilia?” Galeren asked. “What would ye have done then, Will?”

“Once we were married, he would have done nothing,” Cecilia assured them. “I do not love you, William. You are pretty, but he is pretty and powerful.”

“Get away from him, Cecilia,” Will warned her.

Galeren had never seen him so serious. What had come over his friend? This was Cecilia! The one Will used to complain about. He saw one of her men inching up behind Will.

“Behind ye!” Galeren instinctively shouted.

Will turned, unsheathing his blade. But he was too late.

Galeren pulled and tried to free himself until his wrists bled. He watched her soldier run Will through and his friend sink to the floor. “Will!” he shouted again. “Will!” But Will didn’t answer.

Galeren set his deadly gaze on Will’s killer. “I’m goin’ to kill ye.”

The man laughed.

“Get out!” she shouted at her men. “All of you! Out!”

When they were gone, she didn’t spare Will a glance but rushed to the bed.

“Captain, I do not want to kill you. I love you.”

He shook his head. “Ye dinna love me, and I dinna love ye.”

She smiled, looking as serene as a windless loch. She was mad and spoiled to the point of no return.

“Captain,” she purred, pulling back his fur covering with her finger. “If I cannot have your love, let me at least have your body.”

He pulled and tugged on his bindings as she exposed him.

He was flaccid, sickened by her and the death of his friend, concerned only for Silene.

She lifted her skirts, ready to mount him.

“Cecilia!” he said in a commanding voice. “Ye will get nothin’ from me this way.” He knew what Copyright 2016 - 2024