Forbidden Heart (Hearts of the Highlands #6) - Paula Quinn Page 0,95

shook her head. “I am so happy to please you.”

He slowed, his gaze not leaving hers. “Ye please me too much.”

“And you, me.” She clutched his shoulders and opened her legs wider, taking him deeper.

Short, little sounds came from her lips and felt like whips across his back. He kissed the sounds from her. He kissed her chin, her neck.

He felt her tight sheath swelling around him, making it impossible to stop. He thrust deeper and shuddered on retreat. She clung to him, moving in perfect rhythm with him. Her long legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his neck and her hips wedged against him.

He knew she was about to climax. The thought sucked the blood from every part of him but the part that was inside her. At least, that was how it felt when he erupted inside her. He moved faster, wanting to pin her to the bed.

When she tossed her head back and cried out his name, another rush followed and then the gentle subsiding.

They finished together and laughed for no other reason than that they were happy to be together and they made each other feel good.

She was bolder than he thought she would be. He loved it. He knew she was brave. He also knew that he was exhausted.

“Where are ye goin’?” he asked her when she left the bed.

“To put on my chemise,” she answered. “I am cold.”

He waved her over with his hand. “I will warm ye, love. That is why God gave men fur.”

She giggled and hurried into her chemise and then back into bed.

He engulfed her, holding her close.

Soon, they were asleep and didn’t hear the front door opening.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Silene was dreaming of running on the cliffs, laughing with the children and a fat, yellow cat following them. The skies darkened suddenly, and a man called to her—or was it the waves crashing against the rocks below? She turned and saw Galeren lying dead beneath someone’s bloody sword. She began to scream.

Wake up, Silene. Wake up.

She opened her eyes and looked around the dimly lit room. Someone was there with them. Someone was watching in the shadows. She moved to rouse Galeren, but her uncle stepped into the soft glow of a dying candle. He shook his head while two more men stepped out of the shadows on Galeren’s side of the bed with their swords at his heart and his throat. They would kill him if she made a sound.

Her uncle motioned for her to get out of the bed.

How had he known they were here in the cottage and not inside the gates?

She obeyed his silent command and left the bed quietly.

The instant she was out of it, her uncle grabbed her. He closed his hand over her mouth and pulled her to the door.

She took an instant to see her glorious husband awaken and one of the men lift his blade. She struggled in her uncle’s arms and tried to scream. She would never stop.

He dragged her toward the outside door. As they passed the light from the glowing hearth fire, she saw a woman cloaked in a hooded mantle run into the room. Whoever she was, Silene prayed the woman could save Galeren.

She tried to scream but a fist to her jaw silenced her.

Galeren opened his eyes. He was still in the cottage, still in bed. He tried to get out of it, but his wrists were tied to the bedpost behind his head.

His head. It pounded like thunder between his ears. He’d been struck, likely with the hilt of someone’s sword. Where was Silene? Now his heart throbbed as loud as his head. Where was she? Who took—her uncle. He remembered. He’d heard something in his sleep. His eyes opened and he had a moment to see John pulling her away before he was struck.

He had to get free and find her!

Who tied him to the bed? “Who are ye?” he called into the shadows. It was still night. Where were the stronghold guards?

They didn’t know he and his new wife were here. They were ordered to heavily protect the cottage tomorrow night. “Come oot so I can see ye,” he beckoned, clenching his teeth. “Where is my wife?”

“Until death parts you, correct?” a woman sneered stepping forward. She looked like a wealthy lady out for a ride in her fur-lined mantle and hood.


She hadn’t come alone. Four more men appeared, all drawing swords.

“If she is harmed in any way, I will wring yer Copyright 2016 - 2024