Flowers for Her Grave - By Judy Clemons Page 0,85

you hear anything that has to do with actual facts, let me know.”

“Of course I will.” Vonnie was backing away now, a smile plastered on her face. When she saw she was close to the door, she spun and scurried out.

“Yuck,” Death said.

“And it wasn’t even helpful.”

“Except to confirm what we already know.”

“Which is?”

“That if Andrea was seeing somebody exclusively, it was a secret.”

Casey went through the locker room to her office, where she gestured for Death to turn around before she changed into her swimsuit. “So did she meet Brandon here? After he got the job, and after he’d begun scamming the residents?”

“She must have.”

“But how could she stomach that? Not only seeing him hurt other people, but knowing he was sleeping with them?”

“Maybe she couldn’t. Maybe that’s what the final straw was. Why he left.” Death was getting excited. “Maybe Andrea finally realized he wasn’t going to stop, and ratted him out to Sissy.”

“But Sissy already knew, because he was blackmailing her, remember, besides other things?”

“Then she ratted him out to the other women who were giving him money and putting him in their wills.”

“That would make more sense. Her parents said she stopped talking about the guy a couple weeks ago, just in time for Brandon to leave. So now he’s back, getting his revenge?” Casey thought about it. “It’s possible, I guess. He’d know the security procedures of the building. He might even still have keys.”

“Or…” Death held up a finger. “One of his ladies discovered Andrea was the reason he’s gone. And she was pissed.”

“Or they thought Andrea was in on the scam.” Casey considered that scenario, as she had before, and shook her head. “But think who the women are. Sissy. Bernie. Laurie. A bunch of older women who showered him with money. Could any of them really do that much damage to another woman? Especially a young, strong one like Andrea?”

“Laurie is the other fitness instructor here, remember. When she’s not freaking out and talking like a crazy person, she’s probably got it in her. And Sissy and Bernie both take classes, so they’re at least somewhat in shape. Besides, Andrea was most likely attacked from behind or by someone she knew. Or both. She could’ve been turning on the shower, talking to someone, and bam! You can do a lot of damage if the other person doesn’t suspect anything.” Death stole a glance back at Casey. “You could’ve done me in just now, and I wouldn’t have been able to respond.”

“Not with my luck. What about Maria? She might not have been one of Brandon’s ‘women,’ but she had a reason to be afraid because of her citizenship problems. If she thought Andrea was in cahoots with him, she could have assumed that now that Brandon is gone Andrea would tell her secret, and get her deported.” Casey grabbed a towel from the cupboard and went back out through the locker room, toward the pool. “Too many possibilities.”

Death followed. “I think you’re ignoring the obvious.”

Casey couldn’t talk, because there were women in the room, changing.

“Tamille has the strength. It would’ve taken her two seconds to do that kind of hurtin’.”

Casey shook her head.

“I know. You trust her. Think she’s like you. Just remember, dearie, that just a couple of weeks ago you yourself put down a bad guy, and he ain’t getting’ back up.”

Casey pushed out into the empty hallway. “I just don’t believe it. There’s no motive. I think Tamille’s telling the truth that she went to the bar to talk to Krystal, not Andrea. I guess we could ask the guy’s grandma.”

“Nah. I’m just playing devil’s advocate. If Tamille really was going to beat the crap out of somebody, she wouldn’t do it when their back was turned.”

Casey went to slap Death on the shoulder, but stopped in time. “Now you’re getting it.”

The pool room was hotter than the day before, and Casey grew lightheaded as she padded across the cement. She sat on the bottom row of the bleachers and took a deep breath.

“Thought I might find you here.” It was Binns, followed by—of course—the gorgeous Officer Gomez.

“Told you,” Death said. “You were naughty.”

Casey held her towel up in front of her swimsuit, feeling exposed in front of Gomez. “Hey. What’s up?”

“You’re holding out on me.” Binns stayed standing, looking down at Casey. Gomez checked out the rest of the room.

“I’m not,” Casey said. “I thought I might have learned something this morning, but I was wrong.”

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