Flowers for Her Grave - By Judy Clemons Page 0,84

the old Dutch Uncle talk.”

“You remember?”

“Of course. Curtis’ grandma came to me. She feels some kind of kinship with me because there’s so few of us in the development with the same skin tone. Understand? She was worried, because she heard Curtis was hooking up with Krystal. She asked me to make sure he didn’t get involved with…I think she called her the Whore of Babylon, or some other Biblical reference.”

“He wasn’t with her.”

“I know that now. But I was already into my whole give ‘em hell routine before I realized he was with the other chick, and then it was too late to stop.”

The tension in Casey’s neck released. “So the message you gave Andrea was actually for Krystal.”

“Obviously. Andrea may have been pretty, but she wasn’t one to chew them up and spit them out. Not like her good buddy, who wants to get you kicked out of the Flamingo.”

“Not anymore.” She held up her hand. “Sorry. Dylan told me the story, and I—”

“—thought I was capable of killing Andrea over some dude I didn’t even know? Thanks so much.” Tamille’s mouth compressed into a thin line, and she looked away.

“No, actually, I thought you weren’t. That’s why I wanted to talk to you. Didn’t want the idea to fester, when I knew it was ridiculous.”

Tamille hesitated, then gave one short, quick nod. “You’re right.” She held out a fist, and Casey bumped it. “The funny thing? Andrea told me later she wasn’t even interested in Curtis. She had someone else, she said, and was just hanging out.”

“Do you know who it was she was talking about?”

“Nah. It’s not like we were buddies or anything. She just said it in passing in the lobby. How about dinner tonight? I know a great seafood place.”

Casey opened her mouth to agree, but Death, who suddenly appeared on top of the boat in sunglasses, a visor, and Bermuda shorts, waved frantically. “Dylan, remember? You promised he could take you out.”

“Right,” Casey said.

Tamille blinked. “What?”

“I forgot I already made plans. Rain check?”


“And now I have to run back for class in—” Casey checked her phone. “Ten minutes.”

Tamille picked up her putty knife. “Then you better get a move on, girl.”

“I’m moving. See you later.”

Casey was at the mouth of the garage when Tamille called her name.

“Thanks, Daisy. I appreciate that you came to me.”

“No problem. Now I’ll see if I can convince Dylan you’re not a psycho killer.”

Tamille smiled. “I think you’d be better off convincing him to stay away from Krystal.”

Of course, she was right.

Chapter Twenty-six

Neither Laurie nor Sissy showed up for class. Sissy was probably dealing with the Parkers, and Laurie was most likely hiding under a rock somewhere. Casey did have the pleasure of seeing the gossipy Vonnie, however, and pulled her aside after class.

Vonnie took a deep draught from her water bottle and patted her face with her towel. “What is it?”

Casey hated talking to the woman, but knew she would be a fount of information, true or false. Casey would just have to take a shower later. “Who was Andrea seeing?”

Vonnie shrugged. “It was hard to keep track, with Krystal having guys around all the time.”

“I don’t think so.”

Vonnie gave a sly smile. “What’s it worth to you?”

Casey stepped closer to Vonnie, looking deep into her eyes. “I found Andrea bleeding to death on the floor of that locker room three days ago. Her parents are here, wondering how their beautiful daughter could have been murdered. Her friends are falling to pieces. I am very, very motivated to find out what happened. That’s what it’s worth to me. Do you understand?”

Vonnie gave a high, forced laugh. “Of course. I understand.”

“So who was Andrea seeing?”

Vonnie glanced around the empty room.

“There’s no one here to hear you,” Casey said. Or to save you.

Vonnie swallowed. “I don’t know. No one really talked about Andrea. It really was all about Krystal.”

“You’ve got nothing?”

“She would be in the bar sometimes, mostly with Krystal and various guys. But nobody regular. Nobody who seemed to mean anything.”

She was sweating again, and this time is wasn’t from exercise.

“What about Brandon?”

A shifty look stole across Vonnie’s face. “That would make sense, wouldn’t it? She wouldn’t want anyone else to know. And then she dumped him, and he came back and killed her.” She inhaled abruptly and slapped her hand over her mouth. “It’s too perfect!”

“It’s all in your head.”

“I don’t think so.”

Casey decided Vonnie really was telling all she knew—along with a bunch of speculation. “If Copyright 2016 - 2024