Flawed (Triple Canopy #2) - Riley Edwards Page 0,19

more to say, baby. As you pointed out, you trusted me with something precious and I want you to know I cherish what you gave me. You also talked about burying perceived imperfections. I hope after what we shared, you know what you had buried in you wasn’t yours to hide. I’ve given enough headspace to the two twats who you’ve been with, so this is the last I’m giving them, but hear this, Adalynn. God’s honest truth, you are phenomenal in bed.”

“Trey,” she whispered, and tucked her chin.

“Look at me.” I took my hand out of her hair and lifted her chin until her gaze met mine. “Trust me, I got off on every moan, every move, every touch. All of that was sexy. No other way to say it other than to state it plain, you’re crazy beautiful, you’re unbelievably tight, so tight I was worried I wasn’t gonna get you off before I went. But, baby, how wet you got just from my mouth and fingers—off-the-charts hot. You kiss great, you smell good, you taste good, you feel good. What I’m saying is, you can let go of whatever you’ve been twisting around in your head.”

Addy’s face had turned a pretty shade of pink and I thought she should know how fucking cute that was.

“And one last thing, the fact that you’re blushing is crazy fucking sexy.”

The pink in her cheeks turned red, her lips tipped up, and her beautiful green eyes danced with humor.

Good God, she was gorgeous.

“We done talking?” I asked.

“I don’t know, are we?”

“We’re done talking.” My hand moved back into her hair. I gathered it in my fist and I watched her eyes flare. I gave it a tug and the eye flare turned hungry. Perfect. “Gonna kiss you. Then you’re gonna get on top and ride me.”


“Fuck, yeah.”

She didn’t respond—at least not verbally.

The kiss was great.

Her sweet, wet pussy sinking down on my cock—better. Her going wild riding me—fucking magnificent.


My eyes popped open and I didn’t need a moment to get my bearings. I knew exactly whose hard chest was under my cheek, whose leg my thigh was draped over, whose hand was on my hip, and lastly, I knew why I’d dozed off.

Surprisingly, I didn’t feel embarrassment. I felt great. Sex with Trey had been eye-opening. No, it had been wondrous, astonishing, marvelous.

“How are you feeling?” Trey’s rough voice wrapped around me like a warm blanket and I smiled.

“Great,” I chirped, uncaring my voice sounded squeaky and excited.

I didn’t even care when his body started to shake and his next statement came out full of humor.

“You sore?”


“Yeah, Addy, sore. I took you pretty rough that last time.”

Pretty rough?

Holy Hannah, if he called that ‘pretty rough’ I was scared to experience what he called out-of-control.

Scared, but not unwilling.

After round two—which was incredible once Trey coaxed me out of my head and I got over being on full display, I found that I thoroughly enjoyed being on top. Part of that was seeing that Trey thoroughly enjoying me being on top. He wasn’t shy communicating this to me. I never in my life pictured myself as someone who would enjoy dirty talk, but sweet baby Jesus, the dirtier his words, the more turned on I got. But it wasn’t just his words—his eyes, his hands, the sounds he made, the way his body bowed—spawned my excitement. So, needless to say, round two was a pleasurable success…which led us to round three.

If round one was all about me, round two was about him getting me to loosen up and have fun, then round three was all about him. When Trey told me to get on my hands and knees I didn’t hesitate, I trusted him to take care of me, and holy crap did he. It was rough, it was a shade dirtier, there was no coaxing. Trey took from me what he wanted and he did it while pulling my hair and whispering filthy things in my ear. I didn’t think he could top the first three orgasms he’d given me. I was wrong. The fourth one was by far the best. Hence, why I passed out after round three.

“A little,” I admitted.

“Want me to run you a bath?”

What the what? Did big, macho Trey just ask me if I wanted him to run me a bath? I didn’t want to think his offer was sweet, I was in unchartered territory and trying to keep my wayward emotions from creeping in. Which was

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