Flawed Heart: House Of Obsidian - Bella Jewel Page 0,67

walks out the door.

He just ripped my world to shreds, and now he’s leaving without a word.

I guess that leaves only one option for me, and my baby, who deserves so much more than this.

With my broken heart and soul, I pack my things, and like a thief in the night, I disappear.

As if I never existed.

As if Max and Belle just never were.



“Daddy, push me faster!”

Max is pushing Immy on the swings, a massive smile on his face. I can’t wipe the grin from my own face as her laughter fills the air. Max and I have been taking things slow for a month now, and it’s been incredible. I’m trying not to hold onto the hope that things are going to be perfect, but with every passing day, I’m starting to think we might just be able to make a family.

“Can’t push you any faster, kiddo. You’ll fly off the swing and get hurt.”

Immy scoffs. “No I won’t.”

“Will too. Come on, slow down and we’ll get ice cream.”


The swing slows down and Max takes Immy off the swing, lifting her into his big arms. I watch them and my heart swells with happiness. Imogen will always have him as her protector, someone to watch over her and take care of her, always. That’s more than I could have ever asked for. Turning, Max carries her over to me, his face light, just like the boy I fell in love with.

“Hope you’re ready to get fit, handsome.” I laugh. “She’ll keep you on your toes.”

“Fine by me, Blue Belle,” he says, catching my hand.

“Daddy?” Immy asks, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. “Are you going to marry Mommy?”

“I’m already married to her, kiddo.”

“You are?” she squeals. “How come I didn’t get to wear a dress?”

He chuckles. “Because you weren’t quite born yet.”

I listen to them talk, and I know that we’re going to have to explain to her someday why he missed the first few years of her life, but at least she has him from now on. That’s all that matters.

“What flavor ice cream?” he asks, putting her down.

She races towards the ice cream cart in the park. “Strawverry, strawverry!”

She can’t say strawberry, and it’s damned cute.

Max reaches over, putting an arm around my shoulder. “Clear Saturday night. I’m taking you on a date.”

“You are?” I ask, with wide eyes.

“Fuck yeah I am. Is this serious?”

“That’s a stupid question, right?”

He stops and turns, studying me. “We’ve been through a lot of shit, Blue Belle.”

“And we’ve come out the other side.”

“I hurt you.”

“And I hurt you.”

His lip twitches. “Yeah, right, I get your point. So? A date?”

I wrap my arm around his waist. “Absolutely, handsome.”

He grins.

A real grin, dimples and all.


“How’s things between you and Max?” Rainer asks, sliding a drink towards me.

“Awesome. What about you? Are you liking fighting with him?”

Rainer grins, rubbing a hand over his jaw. “He throws a damned hard punch.”

I giggle. “I wouldn’t expect any less.”

“He’s given me a way to vent and get out the shit in my soul, and that’s a damned good thing.”

I stop smiling and study his face. “I didn’t realize you had shit in your soul.”

He smiles brokenly. “I got plenty of shit.”

I scan his beautiful face, and I have to admit I’ve seen the pain there. The broken pain in his eyes. Something bad has happened in Rainer’s life, and somehow it intertwines with whatever happened to Pippa. His story fascinates me.

“Anything you feel like sharing? I’m a good listener.”

He smiles, throwing a towel over his big, broad shoulder. “I’m not sure your ears want my story.”

I shrug. “I’ve got all night, so try me.”

“What’re you doin’ in here anyway? Where’s Max?”

“He’s having a date night with Imogen, so I’m going to meet Pip here for a drink, but she had to work late.”

“You don’t work anymore?” he asks.

I frown. “My shifts got cut, which is probably a good thing because when Mom passed, and with everything with Max, things have been hard. Lucky she left me a little money, but I’ll be looking again soon.”

“Got a job for you here, anytime.”

I beam. “Well thanks. Now don’t avoid the subject; talk to me.”

“My story isn’t a good one, and it’s something you really don’t want to hear.”

“You wouldn’t know unless you try me.”

He studies me. “You mean you wanna hear how I got sold to a slave farm, where I was stuck for close to ten fucking years? How I can’t hold a relationship to

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