Flawed Heart: House Of Obsidian - Bella Jewel Page 0,35

things got hard.”

“You had your reasons. I don’t think it was entirely your fault or his; I think you were both suffering and things were hard.”

“But to just disappear in his time of need and then return five years later with a child . . . that seems so wrong the more I think about it.”

She reaches over and takes my hand. “You both made mistakes, and you did what you thought you had to at the time. Take it from me—sometimes you don’t realize what you’re doing is wrong until it’s thrown in your face. You went on instinct; you wanted to protect your little girl. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.”

“He was breaking,” I say, and my voice hitches. “And I let him down.”

“Oh, honey.”

“I have to fix this, Pippa, but I don’t know how.”

“The only way to fix it is to talk it out with him, but right now I think you both need time.”

I look her in the eyes. “I don’t think I have time. I’m going to see him on the weekend, Pippa. I have to finish this, for the sake of Imogen.”

She smiles and squeezes my hand. “You do what you have to do.”

She pulls me close and I hug her.

I pray I’m doing the right thing.



Belle laughs as I get down on my knee, staring up at her. She doesn’t think I’m serious, but I am. I want to marry this girl more than I want my next breath. I stare up into her crystal blue eyes and I know she’s the only thing I’ll ever keep fighting for. Every single year that passes, my love for her gets stronger, deeper, more intense, until I think it can’t get any better.

But it always does.

Now I’m on one knee in front of her. We’re at the park and have been swinging on the swings like little children. We do these kinds of things a lot, and I fucking love her for bringing the simplest things to life, making them seem so fun you wondered how you ever lived without them.

“Max.” She laughs, staring down at me, her eyes bright. “Stop messing around.”

“What makes you think I’m kidding, Blue Belle?” I ask, my face serious.

Her laughter fades and her eyes start sparkling with tears. “Max,” she croaks.

“You didn’t think I’d go the rest of my life without making you mine, did you?”

She presses a hand over her mouth and a tear spills over.

“Fuck, Blue Belle, you’re so damned cute it hurts my heart. I don’t think I could physically live any day without you in it. You make everything . . .” My voice trails off as emotion gets thick in my throat.

Shit, I’m not doing a good job of this.

I reach into my pocket and pull out the tiny ring box I have been carrying around for two months now, trying to figure out the perfect time. I don’t know why today became that perfect time, but it did, and I needed to show her exactly how much she’s changed my life during the last three years. She’s been everything I ever needed and more.

“Max,” she says again, her voice tight. “You’re killing me here.”

I laugh thickly and reach for her hand, bringing it down. “It’s basic really, Blue Belle. If you have me, I’ll do everything in my power to make your life the best it can be. If you won’t have me, I’ll probably die.”

She laughs softly. “You’re not giving me much choice, are you?”

I grunt. “Doesn’t appear so, but I only want the truest answer, the one from your heart. Will you marry me?”

She smiles, big and beautiful. “You silly fool, you could have asked three years ago and I would have said yes.”

I chuckle and pop the ring box open, fighting back my emotion as I pull the simple diamond band out and slide it on her finger. She makes a sobbing sound as it slides on perfectly. I get up off my knee and pull her into my arms, staring down into the eyes I’ve come to love so deeply.

“Thanks for tripping in the hall that day.” I grin down at her.

“Thanks for tripping me.”

I press my forehead to hers, and we stand, looking into each other’s eyes.

Yep, best day of my life.



I walk in the front door, filthy from a day working in the garage. I can smell freshly baked cookies and I grin. Belle loves to spoil

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