Five Dates with the Billionaire - Alyssa J. Montgomery Page 0,41

photographic evidence that we’d visited everything on her itinerary?’

‘Lord, I hope not!’ He grimaced. ‘It was probably to make certain we didn’t dump each other the second we arrived and do our own sightseeing.’

Her smile broadened and he was captured again by her dimples. ‘Maybe we could stay here all day tomorrow and simply photoshop ourselves into the photos?’

‘Miss Simms, you have the best ideas. I really like your creativity.’

‘Hold on to that thought, because I’m about to get really creative.’

It was beyond Connor to hold on to any thought in the hours that followed. Mia made it clear she was on a mission to discover everything there was to know about making love and he was all too happy to teach her.

Chapter Thirteen

‘Even though I’m looking forward to Paris, I’ll be sad to leave Venice,’ Mia confessed the following evening as she and Connor strolled through St Mark’s Square hand in hand. They were on their way to have dinner at Club del Doge before their evening flight to the French capital.

‘Are you disappointed we didn’t get to see the glass blowing at Murano?’

‘No.’ They’d spent the afternoon back in bed today and she didn’t regret it for a second. Her time as Connor’s lover was going to come to a screeching halt when they returned to London and she’d already decided that being in his arms was her favourite place in the world. ‘I’ll see it next time.’

‘At least we managed to see everything else on Gran’s list—even if only to get the mandatory photo.’

‘I hope she’s okay,’ Mia said. ‘She said she wouldn’t take any calls from me while we’re away.’

‘She said the same thing to me, but I’ve been calling Dawson twice a day. He says Gran’s following doctor’s orders and doing really well.’

‘Good.’ Mia shifted closer to Connor to avoid a group of tourists who weren’t watching where they were going. Tourists and locals alike were out in force, enjoying the balmy night.

‘Of all my trips to Venice, this has definitely been the most enjoyable,’ Connor said.

‘I can’t believe you’ve been here and never played tourist.’

‘I’m glad I didn’t,’ he said. ‘It’s been fun seeing the city with you. Though, if Gran hadn’t insisted on photographic proof, I know where I would’ve liked to have spent the day.’ His thumb traced the back of her hand.

Oh yes, she was going to miss being with Connor.

He lifted her hand so his lips could brush the sensitive skin at the base of her wrist. ‘Every time I think of Venice, I will think of our first kiss in Vincento’s gondola.’


He nodded. ‘It was that kiss. The small taste I intended to have was so seductive it burnt itself into my memory. The build up from our first kiss to making love was sweet agony and made it all the more explosive.’

Her womb clenched with need.

Visions played out in her head making her cheeks heat and she turned her head away from Connor so he wouldn’t see her blush. But, in avoiding Connor’s gaze, her attention snagged on a familiar face.


She froze mid-stride.

Her happiness shattered.

Every heart beat jack-hammered against her rib cage.

Two men walked their way, deep in conversation and this time she knew she wasn’t mistaken. Even with his long hair, she would recognise his crooked nose and deeply pock-marked skin anywhere. One of the men was definitely Sully.

Her panic was accompanied by a rush of anger.

She should have trusted her instincts yesterday morning when she thought she saw him.

She should have found a way to get out of Venice without being recognised.

But no. She’d been too caught up in the fantasy that she could actually seize a couple of days of bliss and live without the fear that haunted her.


Connor’s voice was the key that unlocked her body from its paralysis. Looking around desperately, she searched for an alleyway she could duck into, but found nothing.

No! She couldn’t be seen.

She couldn’t take the chance Sully might recognise her.

Mia spun around and stepped in front of Connor. On her tiptoes, she raised her arms around his neck and buried her hands in his hair to draw his head towards hers. ‘Kiss me, Connor.’

There was no time to wait for him to respond. Every passing second was one more step Sully took towards them. Her lips found his and she kissed him as though her life depended on it.

It possibly did.

A low sound of longing emerged from the back of his throat and he deepened the intensity of Copyright 2016 - 2024