Five Dates with the Billionaire - Alyssa J. Montgomery Page 0,40

this connection.

Mia might have been a virgin but her body had drawn out the most explosive orgasm of his life. It was hard to credit. In fact, it was hard to process anything because his brain had been fried by the pure pleasure of being sheathed tightly inside her moist heat. Aftershocks of her passion still caused little intermittent convulsions around him. The whole experience had been richer than he’d ever known, and now he was replete, thoroughly sated and yet wanting to make love to her again to know whether it would be equally as sensational the second time.

Reluctantly, he eased out of her, needing to dispose of their protection. ‘I’ll be back with you in a second,’ he told her, as he got up and went through to the bathroom.

When he came back, his heart catapulted around his chest at the vision of her lying naked against the white linen sheets. Her lips were still slightly swollen from their kisses. Her dark hair, usually repressed into that stifling bun, was free and tangling wildly around her flushed face and across his pillows. The picture was accurate. Mia was a woman who’d been made love to thoroughly—by him. It was a picture he wanted to freeze-frame.

A miniscule part of him wanted to run from this need and sense of oneness he felt when he was with her—scared by the perfection of what he felt. The other part craved more.

He lay beside her and she was unresisting as he drew her back into his arms. Actually, she snuggled closer to him, pillowed her head over his heart and let out a long, contented sigh.

‘Tired?’ he asked.

‘Tired. Exhilarated. Amazed,’ she said. ‘It’s funny how I’m feeling so many different things at once. I can tell you one thing I’m not feeling …’

‘What’s that?’

She shifted so her chin was against his breastbone and she was looking up at him. ‘Disappointed.’

He used his hand to smooth her hair over her head and sent her a smile.

‘Thank you for being my first lover. I realise it’s probably not quite etiquette to do a post-coital review, but God, Connor. That was sensational.’

Miss Mouse from marketing couldn’t be further away. Had she ever even existed?

He tried to pinpoint exactly how he felt. The rich experience of making love to Mia would stay with him for a very long time. Maybe forever. ‘Sensational sounds about right.’

God, would he ever get enough of her?

It was ironic that she’d been the one to set the limit on their time together; a far shorter time frame than his average affair. All she was giving him was a few days.

He stroked a wisp of hair away from her flushed cheek and knew if they stayed here much longer, they’d never leave the suite. ‘Venice awaits. Do you want to go and see all the things that are still on Gran’s agenda?’

Pulling a little away from him, she leaned on her elbow and propped her head up with her hand. ‘I’m doing all the sightseeing I want to do right now…’ She shot him a mischievous look as she looked over his naked body.

‘You really are a tease.’

With a laugh, she flipped back to nestle her head against the pillows and stare up at the ceiling with an impish smile playing around her mouth. ‘I mean the magnificent fresco on the ceiling. Only in Venice would I be able to lie in bed and stare up at a magnificent fresco by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.’ She sighed. ‘I get that the little angels are in the clouds with the doves, but is that seriously a pig’s head behind that one?’

Connor pulled himself up so he could look down at her better. ‘You’re long-sighted then, not short-sighted?’

He felt her tense next to him and he frowned as he remembered she’d taken off her sunglasses as they’d entered the hotel but hadn’t bothered to put her normal glasses back on.

‘Er… Yes.’

But she always wore her glasses—whether she was reading or presenting. ‘Do you wear multifocal lenses?’

She reached out to trace the contours of his chest with her other hand. ‘Do we really need to be talking about my eyesight when there are so many other things we could be doing?’

‘You have beautiful eyes, Mia. You shouldn’t hide them.’

Instead of answering him, she shifted so she could place her mouth where her fingers had been. ‘Do you think Violet knew this would happen between us?’ She asked between kisses. ‘Do you think it’s why she demanded Copyright 2016 - 2024