First Forest - Viola Grace Page 0,21

gasped, he groaned, she sighed, and he murmured encouragement to rock her hips.

They moved carefully, deliberately, and for what seemed forever before she let out a long, low cry and clutched at him, shuddering as her body clutched rhythmically at him inside her. He gripped her hips and pulled her tight to him while he groaned and shook against her.

He kissed her slowly, and when they parted, she smiled. “This was good but naked is better.”

He shivered, and tiny motes of light surrounded them, the drag on her shoulders felt lighter, and in two minutes, her robes and his had disappeared in the tiny specs of light.

She blushed, and he stood with her in his arms. Apparently, it was time for a bath.

Chapter Nine

She looked at the bath that was lined with polished stones as Kiloh poured warm water over her freshly scrubbed body.

She got to her feet, and they switched, sitting him down on the wooden chair so she could scrub his back and soap him from head to toe. Massaging his scalp around the stag horns was tricky, but he groaned and leaned into her fingertips as she rubbed and scrubbed through his silky hair.

She slowly poured the water over him and made sure that there were no bits of bubbles clinging to him.

When he was clean, she left him and went to soak in the wide, warm pool with her wet hair pinned on her head.

The huge pool got a lot smaller when he entered it, sitting down on a submerged bench and holding his hand out to her.

He had resumed his larger-than-human appearance. She sighed and floated over, sitting across his thighs and breathing deeply as they settled.

He wrapped her in his arms and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Did you enjoy yourself today?”

She chuckled. “I did. I am glad that Jimon has gotten the position of family head, but I will miss the sword. All those years of training for nothing.”

“You can carry the village sword.” He stroked her hip slowly.

She turned her head up to face him, and she scowled. “I haven’t earned it.” She didn’t follow up with the fact that the village sword was incredibly heavy.

He shrugged. “That can be done with training. Now that you are here again, we have time.” He paused. “Do you mind that you never got a formal wedding?”

She shook her head. “Despite what you overheard today, not every woman dreams of having a village wedding. I just wanted to feel the village around me again. I intended to go back to the university and teach.”

“You can still go on speaking engagements.” He smiled. “There have been six requests for the village speaker to go out to various research arms of different educational facilities, but as we haven’t had a proper speaker since your father passed, it has been difficult to accommodate them.”

She paused. “Right. So, you want me to go?”

He squeezed her carefully. “I want you to stay and remain with me, but you need more interaction with the outside world. You require challenges that go beyond discussions and debates. You need to make people understand. Teaching is your field of interest. You are very good at it.”

She nodded and paused. “Wait. What? When have you seen me teach or even lecture?”

He shifted his form, and she stared into the eyes of her roommate. “Uleika!”

She tried to move away, but she was held on the lap of her best friend. “What the hell?”

Uleika’s cheerful tone said, “It was necessary to make sure that you were safe after your father passed. Since he no longer gave me updates as to your welfare, I had to take this form to make sure you were in no danger.”

She felt the soft skin of her friend, and while she wasn’t repulsed, her brain was in a bit of a riot. “Um, great. Can you take any other form, please?”

He resumed his normal form. “Did that upset you?”

She frowned and rubbed her head with wet fingers. “It makes a certain amount of sense, but it is invasive at the same time. I confided in you as Uleika, including my doubts as to the validity of the village, my grief. Everything.”

He nodded. “Even the type of males you were interested in, and the ones who were slightly predatory around you after your father’s passing.”

Abiha paused. “Professor Huan had an accident.”

“He should not have been walking on that road at that time of day. Trees fall.” He shrugged innocently.

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