Fire Within - By Ally Shields Page 0,27

his blood lust, his satisfaction? Ari shuddered. She didn’t want to be bound to anyone against her will—but especially not to a vampire.

She took a deep breath. She needed to stop reacting and look at this logically. When she spoke this time her voice was steady. “What happens if I ignore the dreams?”

“If these are the dreams sent by the Goddess, then you will remain alone and unfulfilled.” Rosalina suddenly looked uncertain, her voice faltered. “It is your duty to carry on the Calin bloodline.”

“With a vampire? How would I do that?” Vampires were sterile. Such a mating would never result in little Calins running around.

The seer shook her head, but her voice regained its confidence. “If the Goddess approves, there is always a way. You path will become clear in time.”

Ari stared at her in disbelief. Not in this case. She frowned. There must be a loophole, something that would change the outcome.

Rosalina took a packet no larger than a tea bag from her pocket and handed it to Ari.

“Do not fret, spirit daughter. If you truly don’t want this union, it won’t happen. Put these herbs under your pillow. It will keep the intruder out of your dreams for a while.” Her gaze deepened, her lips forming a faint smile. “Your fate rests in your own hands. The Goddess does not presume to choose for you. She only allows you to see what is in your heart.”

In my heart? Relief surged through Ari. There were alternatives. She’d avoid him, refuse to let her heart get involved. That should be easy enough. Problem solved. “Then I can handle this. I’ll just be careful. He’s not the right man for me.”

* * *

When Ari entered her apartment that night, she placed the packet of herbs under her pillow. No more pillow talk, Mr. Vampire. You’re gone. Out of my life.

Hoping for a dreamless night’s sleep, she was ready to crawl into bed when she remembered to check the small answering machine that sat on her kitchen counter. She’d notified dispatch of her unavailability and had put her cell phone on forward when she’d left for Rosalina’s. The light was blinking, the counter showed one message. When she pushed the button, the voice on the recording got her immediate attention.

“This is Thelma West. Can you call me as soon as possible? Even tonight? I want to clear things up. Eddie’s been protecting me.”

Ari stared at the machine. Was Eddie’s mother confessing? Ari looked at the clock over the fridge. The call had come in three hours ago, it was now 1:03. Too late. It would have to wait until morning.

Ari’s mind rewound and replayed their interview. Had Mrs. West’s emotional display been a cover? Had she resented Jules enough to commit murder? Still, this didn’t fit the facts. Thinking a matronly lady could kill a vampire was more incredible than pinning it on Eddie. The only thing that fit was Eddie taking the blame. Who wouldn’t lie for their mother? Whatever her story, Eddie’s all-together-looking family was a mess.

Ari tossed restlessly for a long time, but when she finally fell into exhausted sleep, no unwelcome visitors invaded her dreams.

* * *

By 7:30 that morning, Ari was in her office waiting for Mrs. West. She’d called Eddie’s mother an hour earlier, foregoing her usual morning run to come into work early and already had the coffee pot on. She’d chosen her office rather than the PD because she still thought Mrs. West was an unlikely killer. If the woman provided a believable confession, Ari would take her straight to Ryan for a formal statement, but there was a good chance this was a mistake or a lie. It would be very much in character for Mrs. West to concoct some story in a misguided attempt to protect her son.

Ari was pouring the first cup of coffee when Thelma West arrived.

“Thank you for seeing me. I’ve been so worried ever since we talked. I now know I need to tell you everything.”

“Why don’t you have a seat,” Ari said, handing her the coffee. “Tell me what you meant by Eddie was protecting you.” Ari studied her as the woman gathered her thoughts. Another dress, this time with a sweater. Sturdy pumps. Large straw handbag placed beside her chair. Carefully combed curls.

Mrs. West set down her cup. “I told Eddie I was going to shoot Jules,” she announced, her voice flat. “I was angry about the bonding, and Eddie said it would somehow work Copyright 2016 - 2024