Fire Within - By Ally Shields Page 0,26

could recite the legend, if that would help.”

“Yes, please.” Ari could hardly contain her disappointment. What kind of answer was that? If she knew the way or the answer already, she wouldn’t be here. But maybe there was more, in the legend itself. Even small details might make a difference.

Rosalina regarded her with a serious face. “The Calin family Book of Shadows records this tale. Hasn’t it returned to your hands?”

“No. It’s been missing since my mother died.”

Rosalina frowned, then nodded twice. “Very well. I’ll tell you what I know. I’m sure you heard the story before as a small child, but often we don’t truly listen until the moment is right.” The seer focused on the candlelight again, as if drawing from some hidden store of knowledge. “Many generations ago a very young and beautiful girl named Ramora had three suitors. The first man was tall and handsome and very romantic. The second was a wealthy older man who would cherish her and provide for all her material needs. The third man loved children and would be an excellent father. When all three asked for her hand in marriage, Ramora could not make up her mind. She wanted everything the three could provide. Many months passed. One night, she had a dream in which she foresaw future events.

“In the dream, her indecision continued for years. The other village maidens were duly married, and her three suitors fell into despair. They lost all hope of winning her hand and regretted they had not chosen another. The romantic man went to war and was killed in battle. The rich man journeyed into foreign lands, was robbed and beaten to death. The good father was so despondent without a family of his own that he died of a broken heart. Ramora saw herself grow old and die alone.

“When she woke from the dream, Ramora was desperate to make a decision before the dream came true. She begged the Goddess for help.” Rosalina paused and gave Ari a sharp look. “This is the part that directly affects you, spirit daughter. For Ramora was your ancestor.”

Ari knew that, but it sounded like the knell of doom. Her throat tightened, and she couldn’t speak. She knew what was coming.

“The Goddess agreed to help, but because of Ramora’s failure to make a decision, one condition was imposed. Ramora would never make the choice of a mate again; she would have only one mate in her life, a man tied to her for eternity. Her daughters and their daughters through the generations would be bound by the same condition. Ramora agreed. The Goddess told her the right mate would appear to her in a dream. As the story goes, the dream occurred that very night, and Ramora lived a long and happy life with her chosen husband.”

Ari let out a breath she hadn’t been aware she was holding. “Which one did she choose?”

Rosalina shrugged. “I don’t know. It would be recorded in your Book of Shadows. Her choice didn’t carry into common folklore. Possibly, because it’s not the point of the story.”

Ari thought over what she’d heard. “Does it have to happen that way? Couldn’t I have innocent dreams that mean nothing?”

“You know your family history as well as I do. Your mother, your grandmother, Great-Gran. All had the dream. And your family tree doesn’t show any second marriages. Ari, you said you’ve had the dream five times. And now he’s spoken to you. Perhaps the fates grow weary of waiting. How much clearer can this be?”

Ari took a shaky breath.

Rosalina leaned forward, searching Ari’s face. “What is wrong? Are you sure you don’t want this man?”

“No! I mean, yes, I’m sure. He isn’t the right one. He can’t be. Rosalina, he’s a vampire.” Ari sat back on her heels and watched comprehension flood Rosalina’s face.

“That is unusual,” the seer said, after a moment.

Unusual? The idea almost panicked Ari. Sure, she was attracted to Andreas. The image of his dark, lean figure flashed in her head. His dancing eyes, his strength during a time of grief, the talks, the kiss. All that had been ruined by one awful night. Their magics had shared some psychic link she didn’t understand, a link so strong it woke the sleeping vampire and allowed him to know her thoughts. That was freaky enough, but later she’d watched him kill someone. What if that mysterious link went both ways? Had bound them at the moment of his kill? Would she have experienced Copyright 2016 - 2024