Finn's Fantasy (Maine Men #1) - K.C. Wells Page 0,18

eye candy he could find. And he had to admit, there was an illicit thrill in fantasizing about kissing a straight guy.

A straight guy with a great dog.

Maybe it’s time I got a dog of my own.

At least he could still have the guy in his fantasies. It was better than nothing.

But only just.

Chapter Five


Finn’s phone rang as he picked up the boxes of nails. He stacked them precariously before glancing at the screen with a frown. He clicked on Accept. “Christ, Ted, I’ve only been gone a half-hour. Missing me already? I’ve got the nails, okay? I’ll be as fast as I can.” The five boxes rested against his chest.

“I was calling to find out how many boxes you were picking up, and to remind you to keep the receipt.”

“Well duh. This dumb ole boy would never have thought that. And I’ve got five. That should keep us going till the next delivery.” In the background, he caught Lewis’s yelp, followed by “Jesus fucking Christ!”

Finn chuckled. “What’s he done now? Hit his thumb again?”

“For fuck’s sake, dude—another one?” Ted groaned. “He’s gone and busted his hammer again.”

“Unbelievable. Put him on.” Finn scanned the aisles and walked carefully toward the hammers, doing his best not to drop the nails.

“Hey, Finn? Seeing as you’re already at the hardware store, can you get me a new claw hammer?” Lewis asked.

“Sure, I’ll get you a new one. But can I give you some advice? Pay the money for a decent one. If you keep buying these POS hammers that cost less than five dollars you’ve gotta expect them to keep breaking. For God’s sake, pay for an Estwing or a Vaughan. Something that will last.”

Lewis huffed. “Fine. Just pick one and get your ass back here. I’ll be using my dick to drive in the nails till you get here.”

For a second Finn was lost for a witty comeback, but then it came to him. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize we were using teeny tiny nails for this job. I’d better exchange these.” He grinned. “You’re using your dick? Well, they’ll probably go in straighter than when you use a hammer. At least when you bend them, you can pull them out with your asshole. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He disconnected, cutting off a spluttering Lewis. He scanned the shelf and picked out a suitable hammer, then headed for the check out. Thank God the hardware store in Kennebunk was only fifteen or so minutes away from the site. And the only reason he’d had to make the trip was because whoever had put together the supplies delivery that morning had forgotten the nails. Someone was gonna get their ass kicked when the boss got to hear of it.

He drove down Dyke Road and turned left onto Kings Highway, heading for the spot where he’d parked the truck earlier. It was still empty. As he switched off the engine, he caught sight of a familiar figure crossing the road in front of him, and a familiar dog pulling him along.

Finn’s fantasy guy, closer than he’d ever been.

Say something. Be friendly. It didn’t matter that the logical part of his brain was screaming but he’s straight. Then all such thoughts fled his mind as the dog lurched forward sharply, pulling the leash from Fantasy Guy’s hand. The dog charged up the beach, heading for the two retrievers playing with their owner at the far end.

“Bramble!” The lab’s owner went running after it. “Bramble, get back here.”

Finn dove out of the truck and hurried after him. “Don’t run after him. Stop. Stop.”

Fantasy Guy turned to stare at him with obvious incredulity. “But he’s running away.”

Finn nodded. “And if you chase him, he’ll think it’s a game. Lie down on the sand.”

The guy widened his eyes. “Excuse me?”

“Lie on the sand, face down. Trust me. He’ll think you’re hurt, and he’ll come back to investigate.”

Fantasy Guy stared at the far end of the beach where his dog showed no signs of returning, and was barking at the two retrievers. “Fine,” he muttered. He lowered himself to his knees, then lay on the sand, his head resting on his arms.

Within seconds, the lab had noticed, and came racing back. He sniffed at him, nudging Fantasy Guy’s arm with his nose. Finn took advantage of the dog’s focus, and walked around to grab his collar. His owner knelt up and did the same, their hands meeting at the dog’s neck.

The owner grabbed the Copyright 2016 - 2024