Finn's Fantasy (Maine Men #1) - K.C. Wells Page 0,17

at Nate. “Aren’t you gonna say hello to Bramble?”

His chest tight, Joel left them to it. He went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to remove the milk. Carrie joined him, her gaze warm.

It’ll be okay, she mouthed.

Joel wasn’t so sure.

“He’s so quiet,” Joel commented, staring at Nate’s back as he and Laura walked ahead of them with Bramble on the beach. Nate had said barely a word since his arrival. Laura, on the other hand, was obviously making up for lost time.

“That’s because Laura hasn’t let him get a word in,” Carrie observed. She smiled as they strolled. “He loves Bramble, though.”

“You’d have to have a heart of stone not to love Bramble.” Joel paused, his hands deep in his pockets. “How did the drive go?”

“It went well. Nate used his phone to navigate, and he didn’t seem all that nervous.”

“He always was a confident kid.” Not that Nate was a kid any longer. They resumed their sedate pace. “How’s he doing in school?”

“Okay, I think. He’s loving his classes. And he seems to be making friends. He’s mentioned a few names, mostly girls,” she added with a smile.

Joel chuckled. “I don’t envy you.”

“What does that mean?”

“You get to deal with him when some girl breaks his heart.” Although part of him hoped that if such a situation ever arose, Nate would talk to him too.

“Well, I hope he waits a while before he goes and falls in love.” Ahead of them Laura and Nate had reached the end of the beach, and had turned around heading back in their direction. Joel and Carrie did a one-eighty, and walked back the way they’d come. Carrie gave a nod toward the hotel. “They seem to be making progress.”

“Be thankful you’re here on the weekend,” Joel told her. “I was out here one day when a woman walked past them. Let’s just say they lived up to every conceivable stereotype about builders.”

Carrie chuckled. “Has anyone whistled at you yet?”

Joel guffawed. “A gay builder? I think his coworkers would hang him by his balls from the nearest beam. I did get a wave, however.” Behind them, Laura’s giggles grew louder, and the sound lifted his spirits. “I’m glad you all came.”

Carrie tucked her arm through his. “Maybe next time, the kids will come on their own, if Nate feels up to that.”

“He might feel up to the drive. I don’t think that would be the issue.” As to whether Nate would want to visit, Joel had no clue.

He shivered, and Carrie leaned in. “How about we all go back to the house, and Laura can help you make the lasagna.”

Joel smiled. “Is she getting into cooking now?”

“She baked cookies last week. Okay, so they came out of the box, but she was so proud. I figure we should encourage her. As long as she doesn’t cut herself. Maybe she can help stir, and you do the chopping.”

“I like the sound of that.” Nate and Laura caught up with them, and Joel gave them a warm smile. “We’re gonna head home so we can start work on dinner.” Laura let out a gleeful yell. As Nate put distance between them, Joel caught his muttered words as they drifted back to him on the breeze, and they froze his aching heart.

“It’s not home.”

Finn had put off cleaning his truck for as long as possible, but some wiseass writing the words clean me in the dirt had been the last straw. It had taken two buckets of soapy water to rid the truck of its layer of grime. He connected the hose to the outside tap, and rinsed off what remained of the suds. As he turned off the water he heard voices approaching. When a chocolate Labrador came into view, his heart beat faster, but then it sank at the sight of the four figures behind the dog.

Well fuck. I guess that answers that question.

Fantasy Man had a family.

As the couple and their two children walked past Finn’s house, the man glanced in his direction, and Finn gave an internal sigh. Dear Lord, that is a fine sight. Short, neat hair, blue eyes, strong jaw line… Finn hadn’t said as much to Max, but damn, Fantasy Man was exactly his type.

At least I didn’t embarrass myself by coming on to him. Oh well. Yeah, like that would ever have happened.

It didn’t mean Finn would stop looking out for him, however. In a village as small as Goose Rocks Beach, he needed all the Copyright 2016 - 2024