Final Dance Part Two - Samantha Cayto Page 0,69

in the far corner where the hidden camera was placed. “We’re good. You just have to hang on, okay?”

“Not going anywhere,” Dafydd breathed out.

And that was as good as it was going to get.

Chapter Ten

If not for the terror of what they faced, the race across first ocean then land in the great beast of the helicopter would have been exhilarating. It was different from the planes Alun had ridden in since being liberated from the castle in Wales. It was almost as if he weren’t in the air at all in those things. This left nothing to the imagination. He truly felt as if he were flying. Getting to sit beside Craig and hold his hand simply added to the experience. He knew he’d never forget this night. If only it ended well…

Please, God.

When they landed, he stayed out of the warriors’ way, standing watch with the other boys. It was almost like play-acting, except the gun in his hand had heft and seriousness to it. He knew it could kill if and when he wanted it to. He prayed that wouldn’t be necessary, but he knew that, unlike the others who stood guard, he wasn’t going to stay on the periphery of the fight. As soon as the warriors left, he was going to have to release Annika and do her bidding.

Or not. It wasn’t a crazy idea that he simply tell her no, that whatever she had planned, he wasn’t going to let her do it. The others would back him up. Being human, they weren’t in thrall to the Queen, and Damien, as a second father to her, certainly would put a stop to it. That was assuming that they had the physical power to defy her. Although he’d seen very little of her training, he knew she had skills, and she had the strength of her sire’s race. Could mere humans, even with their changeling abilities, handle her? Obviously no one would shoot her. Still, the outcome of a fight was hardly set in stone.

“Hey, are you okay?” Craig trotted up to him, covered in weaponry. It was quite impressive. He looked every inch the alpha male.

“I’m fine.” Lying came easily, although it no longer sat well with him.

Craig offered a smile, then a kiss. No lingering, more’s the pity. “We’re heading out now. You stay frosty out here, understand? There are more than Dracul’s goons that are dangerous and this is one fucked-up part of the world.”

“I shall stay alert, and you be careful, mind.”

Craig tapped the spot over his chest. “Promise.”

Alun watched the man run after the others. They had a couple of miles to go before reaching their destination, and as a human, he had to work harder to keep up. He held his gaze on all of them until they turned into dots then disappeared altogether.

“They’re going to be okay. I have faith in Alex.”

“I should hope so, Mr. Stelalux.”

Quinn snorted. “It’s Cooper. I’m keeping my name.”

“Very modern of you.”

“You think? I dunno. It’s the same-sex marriage part that’s modern. We have to find our own way of doing things. Mackie loved changing his name and I think Demi has already got towels monogrammed with Duncan’s, in anticipation of the big event. What would you do?”

“Oh, I have no idea.” It had only occurred to him when Craig had asked that he still had a last name. It hadn’t meant anything to him in a long time. If he got married, it might be nice to take on another family’s identity. He could never be part of his old one ever again.

Brenin rounded the helo. “Hey, guys, maybe we shouldn’t be talking so much. You never know who’s out there.”

“Fair point,” Quinn agreed and walked away.

As the go-between guard, Alun had a chance to head directly to the back of the helo where the trunk was. No one was paying him any attention. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it in the very back, untouched. Having loaded it himself, he knew it was there, but it was nice to see that it hadn’t been disturbed or buried under other containers. He slung his weapon over his back and knelt beside it.

When he opened the lid, Annika woke instantly with a stretch and a smile, as if she’d been napping on the couch. “Hello, Mr. Alun,” she said in a barely audible tone. “Might you have some water?”

He hurried to grab a bottle from a nearby container and held Copyright 2016 - 2024