Final Dance Part Two - Samantha Cayto Page 0,68

join him. “You sent all that to them?”

“Sure. It was the whole point of my coming here, to be an inside man.”

“Whose idea was that? No, don’t tell me…Annika.”

“Right. She knows everything.”

“Then why didn’t she share her wisdom with Alex and the others and avoid this whole shitshow?”

Merlin didn’t bother to look at him as he shrugged. “I don’t know.” He focused on what he’d seen from Jacko and hoped like hell that he was pushing the right buttons to stop the entire complex from ringing with alarms when rescue came. It was early yet, but he figured that Jacko being the only one who kept track of this, the others wouldn’t notice if anything had shut down. If he was wrong… If Jacko had inflated his own role or had already told someone about his suspicions regarding Merlin, they were all fucked.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

“Yes,” he said, with more conviction than he felt.

Just as he finished, the Mad King’s voice boomed through the universal intercom system. “Where’s that hybrid?”

He closed his eyes briefly. “Fuck.”

“What does he want with you?”

“I don’t know, to get Idris maybe.” Or perhaps Jacko has told on me already. No, he couldn’t be that stupid. Merlin straightened and stared at the intercom as if somehow it would magically have the answers.

“Or maybe one of those guys from last night told him what you did.”

Oh, right. He’d kind of forgotten how many enemies he’d made in the last twenty-four hours. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll handle it.” He grimaced and pointed to the monitors. “You see the ones for the outside?” When Mateo nodded, he continued. “Keep watch on those in particular. You should be able to see the guards and anyone arriving, both inside and outside. If you think that our guys are in trouble, flick the switch by the relevant monitor. That will flicker the warning lights in that area. It’s the signal I agreed to. Do you think you can do that?”

With his eyes wide, Mateo nodded. “I’m on it. Don’t worry.”

“Good. Lock the door after I leave and don’t let anyone in who isn’t on our side.” Glancing at Jacko, he added, “Sorry to leave you with that, but I don’t dare take him out.”

“No worries. Go.”

Merlin didn’t leave the hall until he heard the door lock, then he raced to the throne room. He arrived in time to see Andri trying to settle a fretting Idris. Dracul was furious, drinking down a great goblet full of wine, his crossed leg jiggling with obvious agitation. The changeling’s expression showed true relief when he saw Merlin. He wasted no time in practically tossing the baby into his arms.

“Take care of him. The Master needs me.” So saying, the dude flipped his zebra hair and ran to his Master’s feet. He dropped and started sucking before his knees hit the ground.

Merlin saw nothing after that as he hurried to take Idris somewhere, anywhere, even a modicum more wholesome than there. Although he headed for the room where Andri kept the boy, it occurred to him that it wasn’t necessary. It wasn’t too much of a leap of faith to believe that this nightmare was almost over. Dafydd shouldn’t be alone, and he weighed the wisdom of letting Idris see his father with the surety that having Idris by his side would give Dafydd the will to hold on. He decided that Idris had reached his breaking point anyway, given that he was still fussing. It was time for him to be with his father.

Luck was with him, sort of, in that Dafydd’s eyes flew open when he entered the cell. Though he didn’t move, his face lit up at the sight of his son. This had been the right call. And with Idris down by his father, Merlin would be free to defend them if anyone came in.

“Here you go,” he said as he put Idris beside Dafydd. “Be careful now, Idris. Your papa doesn’t feel well.”

Idris stopped his crying and set his butt down right next to Dafydd’s face. “Da!” was all he said before sticking his thumb in his mouth.

“My baby.” Dafydd’s voice was little more than a whisper. He managed to move his hand and put it on the boy’s knee.

Merlin backed up and faced the door. “You guys hang tight there. The rescue is on its way.” At Dafydd’s hiss, he twisted to say, “Don’t worry. The only one listening is Mateo.” He pointed to a spot Copyright 2016 - 2024