Final Dance Part Two - Samantha Cayto Page 0,42

It was only a matter of time before one or more of them tried to take him on.

As the thought entered his head, he caught sight of a furtive movement to one side. The glint of a knife was followed by three of the men shifting closer to Dracul’s chair. It was slow and subtle, yet obvious to him. He gave it no more than a moment’s consideration before shouting a warning.

“Master, to your right.”

With that, he turned and cuddled the side of Idris’ face close to his chest, shielding the baby’s eyes once more while trying to block his hearing with one hand. It only took a moment, but the sounds were horrible, nevertheless. Such high-pitched screams from such large men… The carnage seemed to go on forever, although really it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds.

“Anyone else feeling especially moronic today?” Dracul wasn’t even breathing hard, the effort to dispatch the three assailants having taken little energy. “No? Pity… I do so love the taste of blood. My son!”

Merlin kissed Idris’ head, saying, “Be good,” before turning to hand him over.

The Mad King’s mouth was covered in gore, which he licked with obvious glee as he approached. It was nothing new for Merlin, but he really hated handing over the baby to that horror show. He worried, as well, about how the boy would react. He hadn’t been raised in the same environment as Merlin, so the sight would likely upset him. Also, in his present state of bloodlust, Dracul couldn’t be trusted not to lash out at his coveted son if he annoyed him with crying. Crazy was always unpredictable.

Idris did him proud, however, by simply sticking his thumb in his mouth and glaring at his father, which made the insane creature laugh with glee.

“That’s my big, strong boy.” The asshole kept up his merriment as he returned to his throne and sat heavily. He didn’t so much as glance in the direction of the body parts strewn on the carpet, nor did he give anyone the command to clean up the mess. The silent mercenaries knew what to do without being told, and they all wore expressions of wariness and chastisement, even those who were still jerking off, the sadistic fuckers.

With a snap of his fingers, Dracul caught Merlin’s attention and pointed to a spot in front of him. He wasn’t afraid as he obeyed the command. He’d just saved the asshole’s life. That had to be good for something. Although when dealing with insanity, it was hard to say for sure.

He stood with legs braced and hands clasped behind his back. “Master.” He bowed and waited patiently for praise or rebuke.

It didn’t take long. “How did you know?” The Mad King’s tone was almost conversational.

“I saw the knife, Master, and they dared to get closer to you without good reason. Their intent was obvious.” He gave the report calmly, though his heart fluttered rapidly like a trapped bird’s. He knew Dracul could hear it and knew, as well, that it delighted him whenever anyone was afraid. It didn’t make his statement less reliable. If anything, it proved that Merlin was smart enough to worry for his own safety.

“Hmm-m. I was beginning to think you were merely one more mouth to feed, but I see now that having a hybrid is useful. Your loyalty is still in question, as is everyone’s, but your senses are more reliable than those of these monkeys without tails.”

“My future is also with you, Master. These animals would only fuck me to death. They can’t see past their immediate gratification.”

“Your opinion was not requested,” he snapped, “though your point is taken. I trust a sense of self-preservation more than proclaimed devotion.” He smiled at his son for a few seconds. “Such a big, strong boy,” he repeated, because Idris’ perceived attributes stroked his own ego. “He seems to like you,” he added with a glare at Merlin. Then he switched his gaze toward Andri. “He obviously doesn’t like you.”

Andri’s put a sultry look on his face. “We’re bonding slowly, Master.”

“If by slowly, you mean not at all, I agree.” He spent another few seconds showering his son with dubious affection. A moan caught his attention. His gaze flew past Merlin and over to Dafydd. “Someone get that slut out of here.”

“Allow me, Master,” Merlin hastily offered.

Dracul’s eyes narrowed. “You’re awfully concerned about his health.”

“The longer he stays alive, the more enjoyment you’ll get out of his punishment. Master,” he Copyright 2016 - 2024