Final Dance Part Two - Samantha Cayto Page 0,41

out of the chair and set him on his lap with a bottle of juice. “See? That wasn’t so hard.”

Andri was over by his full-length mirror, trying on a kimono-like silk robe. “Fuck you,” he said, although without heat. He was too busy admiring himself.

“If taking care of him is too much trouble, I’d be glad to take over.” That wasn’t strictly true. He needed the freedom to fulfill his mission. Idris would be a hindrance. He just couldn’t help baiting the asshole and knew Andri would never relinquish control of Dracul’s son.

The hybrid whirled around. “The hell you will. Idris is my baby.”

“Technically, he’s Dracul’s…and Dafydd’s.”

Fury blazed in the changeling’s weird-ass eyes. “That stupid cunt. He’s nothing—a weakling who didn’t know how good he had it being in the Master’s bed.”

“Not so weak and useless. He gave Dracul three sons, after all.” He paused for effect. “You never have produced a son. Isn’t that right?”

“Only because Petru wasn’t virile enough to get me pregnant.”

“Really? He seemed pretty badass to me. My sire was terrified of him, I can tell you. Everyone back in the castle was, except for the Master, naturally.”

Andri looked down his nose at him. “Strength doesn’t equal potency.”

“Sure, sure.” Merlin shifted his attention to the baby, dandling him on his knee. “I hear, though, that the change doesn’t always take. Some humans never grow a womb or produce eggs when needed.” He gave the boy the side-eye. “Hard to tell what’s going on in that skinny ass of yours.”

“You little fucker!” Andri came closer with his hand raised.

“I wouldn’t try it,” Merlin warned, regretting his choice of causing conflict between them. God, he was going stir-crazy—or maybe it was excess adrenaline from what he’d just done back in the computer room.

The sound of the Mad King’s voice over the intercom interrupted the burgeoning fight. “Bring my son to me.”

Andri’s demeanor turned in an instant. With a coo and a smile, he tried to take Idris from Merlin’s arms. The baby wasn’t having any of that, however, so Andri quickly gave up and said, “Follow me.”

Merlin did, rolling his eyes at the flouncing way the changeling hurried to the throne room. They entered in time to see Dracul fling a bloody Dafydd onto the ground. The man lay still, panting through obvious pain. Merlin covered Idris’ eyes with his hand to shield him from the distressing sight. Mateo sat on his haunches to one side, glassy-eyed.

“You’re beginning to bore me, cunt. Your time is growing short.” Dracul returned to his version of a throne and threw himself into it. “My son!” He looked in Merlin’s direction and held out his hands.

Not wanting to tip his hand any more than necessary, Merlin reluctantly uncovered Idris’ eyes, although as he went over, he tried to keep the boy facing his nasty father so that he couldn’t see his brutalized one. Idris was young, but his brain and body had grown a great deal in a short amount of time, as with all hybrids, and Merlin could remember being aware of the goings-on around him much earlier than anyone had appreciated.

As he made his way across the room, he glanced at the various men standing around, having watched the show. Per usual, they were all throwing boners in their cammies, if not actively jerking off. It was obvious to him that despite the titillation, they were also growing bored. The novelty of a live sadistic sex show was wearing off, especially as they weren’t allowed to participate. What was Dracul thinking, keeping these men cooped up with nothing to do, no goals to work toward? Or none that he knew of, anyway. He’d seen no meetings or planning sessions. All these men ever did was work out, eat, play cards, drink and act as spectators to Dracul’s personal porno.

The fucker wasn’t thinking. That was the problem. The guy had truly descended into madness and nothing mattered to him other than his revenge. It didn’t even seem as if he was interested in plotting the next attack against Alex. No, torturing Dafydd, and to a lesser extent Mateo, was taking his entire focus. Fine for him, but these humans were becoming more restless by the day and Merlin could practically hear their thoughts about how all of this wealth was sitting around unused. Whatever Dracul was paying them, it was pointless if they couldn’t go anywhere to spend it. They outnumbered him and, even with his supernatural abilities, he wasn’t invincible. Copyright 2016 - 2024