The Favor - Suzanne Wright Page 0,161

stay quiet.”

“Wrong. I own your mouth. If I tell you to keep it closed, you do it.”

“There’s no way I’ll—” I flinched as he slapped my ass again. “Ow. That one really hurt.”

“The next one will hurt worse, so be quiet and I won’t have to spank you again.” Straightening, he withdrew his finger and replaced it with the broad head of his cock. “Remember, not a sound.” He bunched my hair in his hand, snatched my head back, and slammed home.

The breath whooshed out of my lungs as I found myself stuffed full of every hard, thick inch of him. I could feel his dick throbbing against my inner walls; could feel every beat of his heart.

He groaned. “Love being in this pussy. Love filling it with my come.” He began to mercilessly hammer into me at a frenzied pace.

I clamped my mouth shut to hold back my cries. Every hard lunge of his cock hit me so deliciously deep. I tried throwing back my hips to meet his thrusts, but his fingers dug into one globe of my ass and held me still for his possession. All I could do was cling to his desk and enjoy the ride.

His cock sliced through me over and over, stretching and rasping against my hypersensitive inner walls. Dane’s grunts rang through the air, mingling with the sound of flesh smacking wet flesh.

He didn’t relax his death grip on my hair, but I liked it. Liked how he held me in place as he took what he wanted from me, as if my pleasure didn’t matter to him. Because I knew it did matter; knew he could make me come so hard I’d feel it in my teeth.

“That’s it, baby girl, stay nice and quiet while I fuck you,” he said, still driving hard and fast. “So good for me.” The note of pride in his voice danced over my skin.

Friction coiled low in my stomach, and my pussy kept on quaking around him. I squeezed my eyes shut, as if it would help me hold in the moans that clogged my throat. I was determined not to make a sound. Not because I was scared of being spanked again, but because I liked hearing pride in his tone.

I gripped the edges of the desk harder as my orgasm hovered close, ready to rush through me any moment now. My pussy tightened and superheated. I felt his cock thicken and pulse, and I knew he was just as close to the edge as I was.

“Let me hear you, baby girl. Come when you’re ready.”

I moaned, long and loud, and a growl rumbled out of him. He upped his pace, drilling his cock into me so hard it jolted the desk. The pleasure made me burn hotter and hotter, winding me as tight as a fucking rubber band. The tension just kept on building and intensifying. Then the band snapped.

White-hot pleasure zipped up my spine, tore a scream out of my throat, and made my pussy clamp down on his cock. I heard him curse, felt his cock swell even more. He roughly rammed his dick impossibly deep and exploded.

He released my hair, and I slumped onto his desk, gasping for air.

After a few moments, he pressed a kiss to the spot between my shoulder blades and pulled out of me. “Wait here.”

Like I had the energy to move. I was vaguely aware of him pottering around the private bathroom. He returned with a wet cloth and cleaned me up, as he often did.

He tapped my outer thigh. “Stand up for me.”

I straightened, still panting a little, and turned to face him.

He drew me close and curved a hand around the back of my neck. “You good?”

“Surprised I can feel my legs. You?”

“Oh, I’m good.” He softly sipped from my mouth. “We’ll have to make use of that desk again in the future.”

“I’m game. Though maybe we could skip the spanking next time.”

“You deserved it after signing those papers.” He stared into my eyes for a few moments. “I get why you didn’t ask yourself if the message could have been spoofed, Vienna. I’m not a good man. I’ve never tried to be one. I manipulate people often. But you’re the one person I’d never betray. If something happens that makes you question that, talk to me. Give me a chance to explain. Let me have the benefit of the doubt. Don’t declare you’re done and try to walk out on me.”

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