The Favor - Suzanne Wright Page 0,160

didn’t piss me off, because there was no bossiness there. It was like he meant it as a gift. Like he was communicating something and didn’t want to be interrupted.

I parted my lips in invitation, half-expecting him to turn it down. He didn’t. He dipped his tongue inside and ran it along the inside of my upper lip, but then he pulled back again. I checked the urge to chase his mouth, knowing it would get me nowhere. As if to reward me for that, he gently sucked my tongue. First slow, then fast, then slow again, ramping up the intensity.

Then, finally, he drove his tongue into my mouth and glided it against my own. He didn’t rush or plunder. No, it was a slow-motion kiss. He lingered. Sampled. Relished. Savored. Treated my mouth like it was some kind of dessert that he wanted to slowly enjoy.

It was sensual. Electric. Magic. He made kissing a fucking art, subjecting me to a swirl of luscious sensation; sharpening my attention onto him. All I could feel was his mouth and hands. All I could taste was him. All I could smell was that intoxicating cologne he wore. Even my thoughts centered around him, freeing me of every worry. It felt like the world was spinning around me. Like he was the only thing standing still.

He roughly angled my head, letting me feel a nip of pain, and a full-body shiver skated over me. He didn’t then finally devour my mouth as I expected. His kiss was slow and wet and lazy, but it was by no means tame or easy. It vibrated with the same addictive dominance that it always did.

His mouth was so soft and warm and skilled as it ruled my own. My breaths turned into shallow pants, and I felt a flush sweep up my chest, neck, and face.

His grip on my throat remained firm and possessive. His thumb occasionally breezed up and down my neck, which seemed hypersensitive. God, I didn’t think my sensory awareness had ever been so acute. Everything felt enhanced. Every flick of his tongue, every graze of his teeth, every brush of his lips, every scrape of his blunt nails on my scalp.

I tried deepening the kiss, but the hand in my hair tightened enough to make me wince, warning me he was in control. I almost sobbed. My body was a mass of racing chemicals and pent up sexual frustration, hungry for more. No, I needed more.

He didn’t give it to me. He swiped his tongue over my lip, prolonging the torture. Making me wait for another kiss. Making me crave more.

A whole bunch of emotions swam through me. Anticipation. Pleasure. Excitement. Want. Need. I couldn’t take the teasing anymore. I couldn’t.

“Dane,” I rasped, my voice laced with desperation.

He growled and slammed his mouth down on mine, sinking his tongue inside. It was like tossing gunpowder on a naked flame. An atomic blast of raw need ignited us both.

He kissed me so hard and deep and hungrily I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t need to. He breathed for me. I breathed for him.

My mind and body felt drunk on sensation and the endorphins flooding me. My entire system went into maximum overdrive. I didn’t know how I’d ever come down from it.

We pulled and yanked at each other’s clothes, whipping them off piece by piece. We were both out of control. Both at the mercy of a viciously sexual need that demanded to be slaked.

Still eating at my mouth, he backed me into his desk. He swiped some things aside and then whirled me around. “Bend over.”

I complied, gasping as my breasts rested on the cool surface, and gripped the edges of the desk.

“That’s my girl.”

One finger plunged inside me and swirled around. My inner muscles clamped down, determined to keep it.

“Already so wet.” He slowly pumped his finger. “Four fucking years I imagined bending you over a desk—sometimes this one; sometimes the one at o-Verve. It’s only gotten worse since I made you mine. I’m supposed to be concentrating on work. Instead, I’m thinking about how hot your pussy looks when it has my dick buried in it.”

I jolted as his free hand came down sharply on my ass. “The fuck was that for?”

“Signing divorce papers; thinking of leaving me.” He curled his body over mine and spoke into my ear. “For that, you don’t get to make a sound until I tell you that you can.”

I gaped. “You can’t tell me to Copyright 2016 - 2024