Fanning the Biker's Flame - Piper Davenport Page 0,29

could park his bike. I didn’t poo-poo the fact she just assumed he’d be parking his bike there, because, let’s be honest, I wanted it more than anything.

“That’s it,” Shiloh said once we were back inside. “I think Shadow’s already assembling the troops, but if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thanks for everything, Shiloh. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

“It’s going to be fun.”

I nodded and she walked me back through her home to the door and I took off for my soon to be ex-apartment.

And arrived to a group of bikers hanging outside my door just as my phone buzzed.

Shadow: Brothers are coming to start the moving process.

I sighed and pulled my keys out. “Hi, everyone.”

“Hey, sweetheart. I’m Shutter and this here’s Bozo, Windows, and Stump.”

Oh, I remembered Stump. I smiled. “Hi, everyone.”

“You got shit you need boxed up and moved over to Otter’s place?” Shutter asked.

“Apparently I do. Yes.”

“You just direct us and we’ll take care of the rest of it.”

“Are you planning on doing all of this today?”

Shutter smiled. “Yes. Unless you don’t want us to.”

“I think it’ll take a little longer than today,” I mused as I opened my door and led the group inside.

“We got more guys comin’,” Stump said.

“You do?”

“Badger and Dash are pickin’ up a U-Haul,” Shutter said.

“Oh, wow. Well, maybe it can happen, then.”

“I imagine it’ll take us two hours. You’ll be at Otter’s place before dinner.”

“Except, I eat like a geriatric.”

Shutter burst out laughing. “Jesus, you’re funny. Shadow didn’t say you were funny.”

“We’ll get you over to Otter’s before you know it,” Stump promised.

“I’ve packed up the really personal things,” I said. “So, you’re all free to move about the cabin.”

As the men moved through my space, I headed into the kitchen to start pulling things out of cabinets, but a very young biker who barely looked legal, stopped me. “We’re gonna take care of that.”

“I can’t stand here and do nothing.”

“Open a bottle of wine and relax,” he suggested with a cocky grin.

I narrowed my eyes. “What was your name again?”


“That’s your club name?”

He shook his head. “I’m still a recruit. I don’t have a club name yet.”

“It’s nice to meet you, but I need to do something, or I’ll feel bad.”

“If you drink a bottle of wine, you’ll forget you feel bad.”

“Jesus,” I hissed out quietly. “Just let me handle the kitchen.”

Before he could respond, my phone buzzed and I saw it was Shadow calling, so I answered. “Hi.”

“Hey, baby. How’s it going? Guys doin’ their thing?”

“Yes. A young upstart by the name of Dylan seems to think I need to drink a bottle of wine instead of packing up my kitchen.”

Dylan laughed at my passive-aggressive admonishment, then walked away.

“I think he’s given you good advice,” Shadow said.

“I can’t be sipping wine when people are working around me, Nolan,” I complained even as I sat at my dinette table.

“You can and you will, Posey.”

Before I could retort back, a bottle of red was put in front of me, along with a glass. I looked up to see Dylan smirking at me.

“Need me to open it?” he asked, holding up my opener.

I rolled my eyes and held my hand out. “I’ll do it.”

He grinned, setting it in my palm, then walking away again.

“You people are relentless,” I whispered.

Shadow chuckled. “Yeah, we are. I’ll be there after shift.”

I sighed. “Okay.”

“Hey. You okay?”

“I’m overwhelmed, but I’ll get over it.”

“I’ll help you with that tonight.”


“Text me if you need me,” he said.

“I will.”

We hung up and I sat at my table and watched a bevy of bikers pack up my apartment in less than three hours.



I HAD JUST grabbed my purse and keys off the kitchen counter when my doorbell rang. Glancing at my watch, I noticed it was too early for Shadow, so I peeked out the peephole and couldn’t stop a gasp.


“Posey?” Carl called through the door.

Shit, shit, shit.

With the move happening faster than expected, Shadow and I had decided to meet over at my new place which meant he wasn’t on his way to this place, but the other. Once everything was out of the apartment, I insisted I clean while the men drove all my stuff to the new place.

Which meant I was now stuck without backup.

“Posey! I know you’re in there.”

I dropped my head to the door.

“Who the fuck are you?” a deep, gruff voice demanded.

“I’m her boyfriend.”


I peeked through the peephole and saw Shutter herding Carl away from my door.

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