Fanning the Biker's Flame - Piper Davenport Page 0,28


He grinned. “Yeah. Come on in. Shiloh’s out back making sure the apartment’s perfect.”

I walked into the foyer and felt warm fuzzies the second I stepped onto the checkered tile. “Your house is gorgeous.”

“Thanks, sweetheart. It’s all Shiloh,” Otter said. “Come on back.”

He led me through the kitchen and out the back where a pristine pool sat gleaming in the sun. There was a really pretty fence around it, but they’d opened a huge portion of it for flow. I could tell there were slots for the wrought iron to be secured should they need to close it in to keep kids out, but for now, it was open and welcoming. The pool house was not only adorable, it was a lot bigger than it seemed in pictures.

“Posey, hi!” Shiloh breathed out as she slid open the giant glass door. “Please excuse the dust. If you move in, I promise we’ll have every nook and cranny spotless before you do.”

“I’m sure it’s fine,” I said, as she led me inside. “Wow. Shiloh, this is gorgeous.”

“Wait. Don’t look at anything just yet,” she said. “Let’s start at the front door. You need the full experience.”

I grinned. “Sounds good.”

We walked to the front door and I smiled at the same checkered tile throughout the small home.

“Doom and Otter made a small driveway out front and you can access it separately from the main house, so you’ll have a place to park and total privacy,” she said, and we began the tour. “If you don’t like the checker pattern, a big rug will cover it.”

“Oh my god,” I said. “I love it.”

She grinned, clapping her hands. “Oh, I’m so glad. Me too.”

We continued through the space and I fell in love with it more and more with every step. There was a kitchenette, but because there was a small island that ran the length of the cabinets opposite, it seemed bigger and a little more defined.

“You have a bedroom here,” Shiloh said, flipping on the light.

It would fit a queen-sized bed perfectly, and even though there was only one bathroom, you could access it from both the hallway and the bedroom, which made the flow much better.

“Oh, wow, two sinks,” I said, running my hand over the granite.

Shiloh chuckled. “It was a job and a half, but Doom figured out how to do it.”

“It’s beautiful.”

We walked out to the kitchenette and the great room was small, but it was bright and perfect for one person. The walls were gray with the occasional dark blue accent in different parts of the space.

“I love it,” I breathed out.

“It’s yours,” she said, and slid a rental agreement toward me. “I have everything outlined here, so have a look and as soon as you sign, you can move in. Did I mention you have full access to the pool?”

I chuckled. “You had me at the checkered floor.”

“I knew I was going to love you,” she said.

I bit back tears as I read the agreement. “This rent is really low.”

“Nah, it’s just right.”

I shook my head, trying to bite back tears.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

That one question opened a floodgate of emotion I was not prepared for and I burst into tears.

“Oh, honey, are you okay?” Shiloh cooed, pulling me in for a sisterly hug.

“It’s just been a really shitty couple of days and y’all are just so, so nice, and I needed a win, and this is a total win, and I just don’t feel like I deserve it—”

“Take a breath, babe,” Shiloh said, hugging me tighter.

I chuckled and took a deep breath, pulling away from her. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine, Posey. You’re fine. Just let us help. It’s what we love to do most.”

I wiped my tears and nodded. “Honestly, I don’t have much choice right now, so I guess I need to put my stubborn pride away and let you.”

She chuckled. “There’s the spirit.”

“The place is lovely, Shiloh, thank you. I’ll definitely take it.” I signed the rental agreement and grabbed my checkbook.

She laid her hand on my arm. “Deposit and first month have already been paid.”


“Shadow already paid it, honey.”

“Why the hell would he do that?”

“You’ll have to ask him,” Shiloh said, handing me a set of keys. “Here’s the key to the front door. It also locks and unlocks your slider.” She walked to the front door. “Let me show you where you can park.”

For the next twenty minutes, Shiloh gave me the low-down on where to pull in, where to park, and where Shadow Copyright 2016 - 2024