Family Ties - Debi V. Smith Page 0,105

I did it when keeping secrets was the priority. Managing the conversation to keep the topic you don’t want to discuss far from the table. “Paella.” I take a sip of water.

“How’s school going for you?” he asks Arissa and Damian.

“Not bad,” Damian answers. “I’m glad I chose not to keep on playing football. I don’t think I could handle school and football right now.”

“What about you, Jericho?”

She perks up and plasters on a smile for Jason. “A lot of work, but I’m enjoying it.”

“How’s it going for you, man?” Damian asks.

Jason shrugs. “It’s been rough. I miss everyone.”

The server comes by and we give her our order.

“I’m glad you didn’t go further away,” Damian says. “I like being able to see you on the weekends. At least until the season starts. We’ve all spent so much time together it feels like a piece is missing when you’re not here.”

“It’s nice being able to come home most Fridays,” he admits, then kisses the back of my hand.

Nicole and Becky approach the table and Becky sets a hand on the back of Jason’s chair. It’s like they have Sara Sonar, able to detect me in any public area.

“Where’s Hunter in all this?” Nicole asks, motioning her finger in a circle. “There’s only four place settings.”

“Why don’t you call him and ask? Oh, wait. He changed his number when you wouldn’t stop calling him. Stalker much?” I ask as Damian leaves the table.

Jason squeezes my hand and gives his head a slight shake. He doesn’t want me to egg them on and cause a scene, but they’re the ones who sought us out. Becky’s hand slides to Jason’s shoulder. His jaw tightens and he draws his arms closer to his body.

“What’s the matter, Jason?” she asks. “Not getting what you need from Sara?”

He brushes her hand off. “You would never understand, Bec.”

She bends over, cleavage almost in his face. He edges away. “Why don’t you try me? She’s just playing you and Hunter anyway.”

I shake my head in silence, staring at the table, then glance between Becky and Nicole. “It must be a sad existence for both of you to keep chasing men who don’t want you. What is it they say is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result? Jason and Hunter don’t love either of you.”

Nicole smacks her palms on the table, glaring at me. “You took what was ours.”

I lean in. “Neither of them ever belonged to you. Get that through your thick skull.”

Ice water stings my face and runs down into my dress. I let out a yelp from the shock and wipe the water from my eyes. Nicole holds an empty water glass with a wicked smirk on her face. “Fat ho.” She slams the glass down.

Damian returns with several male staff members and the manager, then sits back down in his seat. “Ladies,” the manager addresses Becky and Nicole, “I need you both to leave.”

Nicole spins on her toes, hair whipping around, and Becky follows her out. A server hands me a towel.

“Do you want to leave?” Jason asks as I use the towel to blot my face.

“It’s only water, J.”

Arissa sniggers. “At least it wasn’t milk this time.”

I laugh with her. “Let’s just enjoy our dinner and try to forget they were here,” I say as the food is brought out.

Dinner passes without further drama. We keep any mention of the sisters out of the conversation. To include them would be to give them the power they crave. I refuse to let them have it.


Jason’s head rests on his forearm on the doorjamb when I open the front door. He peers at me with a drawn face, then steps inside, picking me up around my waist in a desperate embrace. His tears fall as he buries his face in my shoulder.

“Oh, J. No,” I say, like Simon just kicked me in the stomach and knocked the wind out of me. My own tears dampen his shoulder. I weave my fingers through his hair to keep him close.

We knew this day would come, but we didn’t know when. Death doesn’t give you a date. He shows up unannounced and takes you whether you’re ready or not.

Jason’s body shakes violently as his sobbing transforms into a howling lament. He falls to his knees, sitting back on his calves and still holding me.

Mom peeks in from the dining room briefly before returning to dinner. I hold him tight despite Copyright 2016 - 2024