Family Ties - Debi V. Smith Page 0,104

over his chest in an imposing stance. “I’m with Sara.”


We stroll past slack-jawed Nicole and Becky. Maybe they expected a cat fight complete with hair pulling, scratching, and name calling. I want them to get over it already, whatever it is. Something keeps them both going on this irrational tirade. Something they never voice. Something we may never know.

“That was so random,” Damian says once we’re outside.

“It’s not like we haven’t run into Becky out in public before,” I state.


I just hope it doesn’t happen again.


I gather my purse and tote bag to leave work for the day when a bouquet of white calla lilies appears in front of me. I lift my head and Jason greets me with his bright smile. I jump out of my chair and throw my arms around him. He buries his face in my neck, lifts me up, and inhales deeply.

I run my fingers through his dark hair. “You know how to surprise me.” His scent fills my head and grounds me.

“I couldn’t wait for later.”

“I’m not complaining.”

He sets my feet back on the ground. “Are we still on for dinner with Riss and Damian tonight?”

“Yeah. I just need to go home and change. Have you been home?”

This is his first time home in two weeks. Dark circles have taken up residence under his eyes. He looks pasty and thinner, despite his smile. He nods. “Dad and I spent a few hours watching movies. I left him listening to some jazz when Mom got home.”

Dad joins us, briefcase in hand. “I guess you don’t need a ride home.” He smiles and hugs Jason.

“No.” I pick up my bags. “We’ll be right behind you.”

Jason slips his arm around my waist and doesn’t let go until we get to the car. He passes me the flowers still in his hand. I was so excited that I hugged him without taking them from him.

“Thank you for the flowers,” I say once we’re in the car.

He looks over and beams. “You’re welcome, Parker.” He palms my cheek with his left hand as he brushes his lips over mine. He sits back and sighs.

“You don’t look well,” I say, concerned. I bring our joined hands to his face, running my thumb along his jaw.

He presses his lips to my hand. “I’m not happy up there,” he admits. “I miss you. I miss my parents. I miss having my own room.”

“Don’t practices start in a month or so?”

“Yeah,” he answers, turning the key in the ignition. “I’m not sure I was really ready for all of this.”

“All of what?”

“College. Leaving you. Being away from Dad. Living with three teammates who party most of the time.”

“I’m sorry.” A tug on my chest from an invisible line connecting us reels me in. I want to hold him and cut away everything causing him this misery.

“I wish you were with me up there.”


“I know. I know. You would just make it more bearable. And I wouldn’t be living with three Neanderthals.”

I chuckle. “They hardly sound like Neanderthals when we’re on Skype.”

A slight smirk crosses his face. “I make them behave.”

Jason takes my flowers to the kitchen for a vase when we arrive home while I get ready for our double date. Arissa comes into my room as I pin my hair up.

“What’s up, Riss?” I ask through the bobby pin between my teeth.

“Is Jason okay? He doesn’t seem like himself.”

I take the pin out and stick it strategically into my hair. “He told me in the car he’s not happy up there.”

“That sucks.”

“Yeah.” I touch up my makeup. “He wishes I were there with him.”

“You’re not going, are you?” she asks, worried.

“No. As much as I miss him and want to go, I’m not ready.”

She sits on my bed and leans back. “I’m not ready for you to go, either.”

“You weren’t opposed to it when he asked me the first time.”

“I can change my mind. It’s my prerogative,” she says with sass.

I stand and turn to her. “Don’t tell me you’re getting all sentimental and weepy on me,” I tease.

“No. I just like having you around.” She smiles and stands up.

“Let’s go wow our men.” I hook my arm through hers and lead her out.

Jason holds my hand in his lap as we peruse the menu.

“What are you guys getting?” Jason asks Arissa and Damian.

“Shrimp Fra Diablo,” Arissa answers, setting her menu down.

“Angus Top Sirloin,” Damian states.

“Same here.” Jason grins. He turns to me. “What about you, Parker?”

I recognize what he’s doing. Copyright 2016 - 2024