Falling for Your Boss - Emma St. Clair Page 0,21


I lean back against the dresser. “So, the homemade crepes weren’t about getting a new chapter to your publisher?”

Sam throws up her hands. “Happy birthday, Zoey.” And with that, she’s gone, slamming the door behind her.

Unfortunately, the door slamming knocks the plate of remaining crepes from its precarious position on my table to the floor. Upside down on the white rug, of course.

Because nothing says Happy Birthday! like hurting your friend’s feelings and getting a Nutella stain on your white rug.

I’d like to say that things improved at work, but that wouldn’t be an accurate statement. At least, not by lunch time, when I finally escape to meet Abby at a nearby café.

First, the women in the office decided this year, for the first time, to acknowledge my birthday. Which might sound like a good thing, but it’s almost as though someone went out of their way to find out my dislikes.

From the lime green streamers (literally, my least favorite color) to the strawberry cake (I’m allergic) with cream cheese frosting (which I abhor). Even the drinks were relegated to Pepsi and Diet Pepsi, when I’m a Dr. Pepper girl, as all Texans should be. Did I mention they had a robot put on the cake? Yep.

Well played, everyone. Well played.

Needless to say, the rest of the office seemed to enjoy my birthday very much.

Then there was the Gavin issue. How do you look your boss in the face when you sent flirty texts the night before and have plans for the coming evening?

You don’t.

That’s what I figured out. Whether it was his shiny black shoes, his strong hands, or his broad shoulders, I became familiar with a lot of Gavin as I tried to avoid his eyes.

Which makes me look super mature. Totally ready to date an older guy.

He stopped by my desk first thing that morning, murmuring, “happy birthday,” in a way that made the little hairs stand up on my arms. I could sense his smile when I pinned my gaze on his shoulders. It felt like he was checking in, making sure I knew that things were different now. Setting the tone, which was still office professional, but with a very potent undercurrent of something else. The air between us felt electrified with tension, part attraction and part awkwardness.

“Looking forward to tonight,” he’d said in an even lower, even sexier voice, before rapping his knuckles twice on Nancy’s desk, which I was using while she was out. Gavin left the door open again today, keeping him in my immediate line of sight. And considering I couldn’t look him in the face, this made things pretty awkward. I could feel his gaze on me, like the heat of a thousand suns.

By the time I step out of the building and into the shock of Austin in almost-summer, my neck has a crick from trying to avoid looking at Gavin.

I practically fall into the booth across from Abby with a groan. She’s texting, probably my brother based on the look of utter delight on her face. At least, until she looks up and sees me. I must look awful, because she slips her phone into her bag and leans across the table.

“Did you finally quit? Did it go horribly? Gavin didn’t try to throw you on his desk and kiss you?”

I cover my face with my hands. “Abby! I don’t need the visual.”

“I think it makes a great visual. I mean, not that I’ve seen Gavin. But from what you’ve said, the two of you together would be hot. What do you want to eat? My treat.”

“I can’t eat right now.”

“You can’t eat? Okay. What’s up, birthday girl? Why so glum?”

I peek at her through two fingers. “I invited Gavin to come tonight.”

“You WHAT?!” If her shout weren’t enough to get all eyes in the small café on us, Abby slaps her hands on the scarred wooden table. A woman wearing tons of crystal accessories and a dress that looks like it’s hand-sewn from hemp frowns over at us.

“Keep it down!” My cheeks flame.

“We don’t know these people. Who cares. Let them look. I’m your best friend and I need details! How did this happen? And, oh my gosh! I get to meet Gavin!” She practically squeals this last part and claps her hands.

“That may depend on your ability to keep it down,” I practically growl, still feeling the eyes of other patrons on us. Hemp dress woman shakes her head and rubs one of her crystals like

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