Evermore Academy (Evermore Academy #3) - Audrey Grey Page 0,89

A frisson of unease slides through me. If I can see their attraction for each other, so can the others.

My bestie rolls her eyes. “I heard her father has already started a PR campaign to save her image.”

“That explains the rumor that the spell made her lie,” I mutter, sneaking a glance across the mat to where Inara stands alone. Rhaegar, Basil, Kimber, and several other Seelie Evermore are grouped together. On the other side, claiming the only shade nearby, Bane, Lyra, Reina, her twin boy toys, and several other Evermore I don’t recognize gather. I’m surprised to see Freesia among Bane’s group. She stands a little off to the side as if not totally comfortable, but she’s definitely part of their little cult.

Hellebore’s going to love that. The Spring Court douche has yet to choose sides, which isn’t surprising. Then again, when your aunt is the renowned Spring Court Queen and your magic is rumored to be as powerful as his, you don’t bow before others.

They bow before you.

Although that’s not working out so well for Inara. As I take in the fallen Ice Queen, a shiver whispers over my arms, and I can’t help but think that Mack is wrong.

There’s nothing pitiful or sad in her demeanor.

Quite the opposite. Her cagey movements, the way she paces, that wild feline gaze roving the students, all of it reminds me of a caged tiger. An apex predator waiting for the moment its captor accidentally leaves the gate open so it can maim and kill everyone outside the cage bars.

Her animalistic stare locks on me.

The hatred choking the air between us is palpable, a living breathing monster that grows larger and hungrier with every second that passes.

“Is she really mean-mugging you?” Mack hisses, drawing up beside me, hands fisted. I swear the suit goes to her head, makes her feel like she’s a seven-foot tall wall of muscle.

Or maybe that’s because there’s an actual seven-foot tall wall of muscle glued to her side, ready to literally smash anyone who looks at her wrong.

“Did you expect her to make nice?” I mutter.

A prickle of ice dances over my skin, chasing away the sun’s glorious warmth and raising an army of goose bumps over my flesh.

It happens so fast that I could almost believe I made it up. Almost. Honestly, though, I’m surprised Inara hasn’t done something worse yet.

Mack frowns, shading her eyes as she studies me. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” I shake Inara’s warning off. “I don’t want to think about Inara right now. This demonstration is so much cooler.”

When they’re done, Valerian jogs over to grab his liter of water that just so happens to be next to me. Hellebore doesn’t even look our way. Not surprising considering that a few days ago, he sent over a revised version of my contract to sign. The only amendment was to the section regarding the Winter Prince stating our new rules of engagement.

By the time I finished reading my mouth was hanging open like a fish out of water, and I actually had to look around to make sure it wasn’t a practical joke.

Summer Solstice, referred to herein as “the Party”, may engage in physical defense training, educational studies, and extra-curricular type activities with other males, including the Winter Court Heir and Prince. This interaction includes, but is not limited to, any training activity that requires the Party touching another male or in close proximity for maximum efficiency. Subsequent contact outside school hours is allowed if it benefits the Party.

When I confronted Hellebore about the change, assuming it was a trick to make me break my contract somehow, he just laughed and said he didn’t want me to blame losing the Nocturus on not being able to train properly.

Valerian finishes hydrating and prowls over, water running down the sides of his chin and wetting his collar. His smile rivals the sun, and the heat that pours through me is a thousand times hotter.

“Showoff,” Asher growls, landing a punch on Valerian’s shoulder that would break a mortal man in half.

Valerian blocks Asher’s next blow and the two begin wrestling right in front of us. The crowd parts like the sea around them, reminding me that the Six might be able to intimidate the school, but when it comes to raw power and sway, Valerian and Asher are in a league of their own.

Eclipsa strolls over, the metallic crescents that decorate her night black uniform sparkling beneath the sun. Her silver-white hair—pulled into a high ponytail and

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