Evermore Academy (Evermore Academy #3) - Audrey Grey Page 0,88

am closer to my goal than ever of gaining allies. Every day more and more Evermore sit at my lunch table, and there’s no longer a radioactive bubble around me in my classes. When it’s time to grab lab partners, I’m no longer the last chosen.

And invitations to parties suddenly flood the mailbox on our porch.

Even the Six have left me alone.

Still, a dark cloud of dread hangs over the academy. The moment Inara exposed her sins and lost her place as leader of the Six, a power vacuum was created. Even I know that when you cut off the head of a snake in the Everwilde, six more take its place. Rhaegar stands on one side, Bane on the other.

Now, instead of one generalized enemy there are three.

“Really?” Mack whispers, leaning close. “All she needs is a black mourning veil to finish off her dramatic display.”

I know who Mack’s talking about, but I’ve worked really hard to ignore Inara for the last forty-five minutes and I’m not able to let her ruin my day now. It’s a beautiful summer afternoon. The kind that invokes picnics and strawberry wine and skinny dipping and let’s you believe everything is right in the world.

A few clouds drift along the perfect blue upside down bowl of sky above. The soft breeze lifts my thick ponytail from my neck and carries the scent of cut grass, wisteria, and rich soil. Teal butterflies dance in the sunlight.

The last thing I want to think about right now is Inara. Now that we’re already in the first week of October, the teachers have relaxed, and most of our classes are held outside. Aside from my hideous farmer’s tan and sudden demand for deodorant—which costs like a hundred dollars in the Everwilde—I’m loving it.

Even Combat Skills have moved to the main courtyard. Two large square black mats have been dragged outside, since getting thrown on the cobblestones isn’t the best idea—at least, for us fragile mortals. Ruby plays in the nearest fountain, a moss-covered centaur statue blowing a horn that spouts water. The last time I checked on her she was riding one of the fat orange, white, and gold koi like a horse.

The soft thud of a clip falling to the mat draws my gaze to Valerian and Eclipsa. Their demonstration on how to disarm an opponent armed with a gun holds my attention, and not just because my mate’s black and silver uniform hugs every inch of his body, highlighting his animalistic movements. The way every action he takes drips alpha male energy.

Something about knowing my mate has that much power and yet would never hurt me is intoxicating.

You are such a cliché, Summer.

The students thronged around the mat gasp as Eclipsa points the black Glock at Valerian’s head. Before she can pull the trigger, Valerian snaps her wrist up, turns into her, drops, and throws her over his shoulder.

Her arm slaps against the mat to break her fall, and we all jump, thinking it’s a gunshot.

That is, until we spot the gun safely in Valerian’s hand.

Not even kidding when I say half the student body claps. Valerian’s arrogant smirk reaches deep inside me, and when he trains that I-know-I’m-the-shit grin on me, I practically melt.

Should I bow? he teases into my head.

I roll my eyes while Asher grumbles something about Valerian being more smug than usual. Ignoring the flush his attention brings, I try to focus on the move as they repeat it again.

Third year is when we really start to work with modern warfare weapons. Along with semi-automatics this semester, there’s a chance they’ll introduce explosives.

“Look at her,” Mack continues. I glance at my bestie. Green and gold streaks weave through her dark, elaborately braided hair, and her custom fitted black leather shadow gear makes her look fiercer than usual. “I bet she started a GoFundMe.”

After what Inara did to me—or tried to do—Mack’s hatred for Inara is next level.

“I don’t know what that is,” Asher admits, coming up beside Mack, “but the Ice Witch’s pity act isn’t fooling anyone.”

Orc’s breath, did he just check out her ass? He totally did.

Asher’s thick brown hair is pulled back in a man-braid at the top, and he flicks his head slightly to move an errant strand out of his moss-green eyes. Like Mack, a uniform molds to his massive body, showing off every ridge and slope of his god-like figure.

Mack grows a few inches taller in Asher’s presence, and I swear her skin starts to glow.

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