Evermore Academy (Evermore Academy #3) - Audrey Grey Page 0,86

my answer without saying a word.

“I don’t deserve you,” he murmurs as he gently maneuvers my body until we’re face to face, my legs straddling his waist.

It’s at this very moment that I become painfully aware of his bare skin pressed into mine. The way my dress molds to my body. The way his fingers are gliding up and down my back. We don’t kiss. We don’t talk. Don’t do anything but look at one another, and there’s something different between us. An understanding. A trust that wasn’t there before.

“I love you,” he whispers, brushing his mouth over mine. His kiss is deep, claiming, his tongue parting my lips and clashing against mine.

The door bursts open and Eclipsa halts, Asher nearly running into her from behind.

“Avert your eyes,” Eclipsa calls to Asher, “unless you’re ready to find out how babies are made.”

“What?” Mack screeches, shoving past them both.

Valerian and I ignore them. I can’t seem to pull myself away. This is different than the physical desire to consummate the bond, although that’s very much present. Honestly, if there was some magical spell to stay in this moment forever, I would take it without question.

Eclipsa strolls up to the edge of the bath and picks up my phone, saying into the mic, “Valerian isn’t dying anymore. Don’t worry, guys.”

Valerian stops kissing me, a sigh parting his swollen lips. Ignoring our audience, he grasps my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes. “I mean it. I love you, and if you want all of me—even the broken, fucked up parts—then you have me.”

Stupid tears prickle my eyes, but the words won’t come. What do I say to that? Thank you for trusting me with your dark, demented soul?

“You should probably get up now,” he drawls, pupils swollen with unabashed desire. “Otherwise, I’m not responsible for what happens.”

“Ew,” Eclipsa says as she tosses me a towel. “Get a room.”

Mack is frozen, mouth agape, her gaze bouncing from the destroyed room to Valerian, naked and grinning at her feet.

Water sloshes everywhere as I get out. I wrap the plush white towel around my waist, pull my hair into a wet, tangled knot, and survey the mess. It looks like a warzone. Blood smears every surface of the bathroom, dried to a grayish blue color. Glass, cotton balls, ceramic bits, and a mound of bloody towels litter the ground.

My arms tremble as I grab my heels, leaning my hip against the counter for support. I fumble with the straps until Asher bends down on one knee. “Let me help, Princess.”

I stick out my chin, determined to dress myself. “I got it.”

“You don’t have to pretend to be strong right now.”

“I thought the Fae looked down on weakness?” I mutter as I stick out my foot, letting him slip on the first shoe.

“We managed to track the prince to a Seelie club.” Asher tightens the strap from the first shoe and starts work on the other. “Someone there messed up five powerful Summer Court Fae males. Two had the prince’s handiwork all over their broken bodies, but the rest? Someone put the fear of the Darken in them.” He finishes with the second shoe and stands. “Whoever that was, weak is not a word I’d associate with them.”

“Thanks.” I smile at the dragon shifter before admitting, “I thought about leaving him there.”

The dark look he shoots Valerian says the prince has done the same thing to him. “You should have.”

Mack has stopped gaping and brings more clean towels—I swear, Valerian must have robbed a five star hotel once. She balances a stack of towels taller than her head as she looks to Valerian. “Need one?”

“Please.” Valerian steps out of the pool, shaking his hair out like a dog, and Mack almost drops her towels. Hiding her eyes, she blindly waves one at him.

Eclipsa looks him up and down. “Well we know the blood loss didn’t inhibit certain . . . parts.”

Dear Lord, if death by shame was a thing I’d be a cadaver right now.


I’m ashamed to admit that I don’t remember Ruby until I’m back at my cottage. I find the idiot passed out in my purse, clutching a mini bottle of Jose Cuervo tequila. After she’s tucked safely into the top of her cat tree, Tall Goat wedged beneath her arm, I finally slip into bed.

Eclipsa and Mack join me. They’re both wearing matching PJ’s like mine, beautiful silk numbers gifted by Nick. My friends are unnaturally quiet until I blurt, “What?”

Eclipsa toys with

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