Escaping Parker - F.T. Zele Page 0,46

agree because I don’t want to lose this between us.

“Ok. I understand what you are saying.” I open up myself to a world of hurt, but this time it’s my decision. This isn’t Steven, and this isn’t something I will learn later on, wondering what I did wrong for years.

I just hope after some time, if things are going well, there will be some way to convince him he deserves to live a life himself, instead of just giving everyone back theirs. I know it’s a long shot, but hopefully in the end, it’ll all work out the way it’s supposed to.

“Let’s go get dried off and eat something now that you are feeling better.”

After dinner, Rig runs into town to pick something up while I clean the kitchen. When he returns, he sits next to me on the couch, holding a plastic bag. He gives me a sly grin. “So, I know this doesn’t make everything ok, but I thought maybe if we celebrated your mom’s birthday here, it would make it easier,” he says, pulling out two cupcakes from the bag.

I can’t believe he did this. It’s the most thoughtful thing to do, and it doesn’t even make me sad. Closing my eyes, I pretend I’m back with my family, singing to my mom, waiting for her to blow out the candles like previous years.

“Thank you, this was very sweet of you to do.” I get a little emotional as I take a bite of the soft cake. I can’t hide the tear that rolls down my cheek. He quickly wipes it away with his thumb.

“I’m sorry, was this too much?”

“Not at all, I’m ok. Excuse me for a minute,” I say, making my way to my room.

Today has been a whirlwind of emotions, all running high at the same time. I just need to gather my feelings for a second, and remind myself to be thankful for what everyone is doing for me. A soft knock on my door pulls me from my thoughts, and I wipe away the tears quickly, hiding my mini pity party.

“Hey, I just wanted to change into some sweats for bed. I’m beat after this morning,” I answer, pulling a pair out of my bag.

“Well, I figured we could maybe watch another movie before we turn in.”

“Ok, I’ll be out in a second.”

My new attire is way more comfortable and I drop back onto the couch. Rig has already chosen some action movie, one I wouldn’t pick myself, but as long as I’m spending time with him, I don’t care what we watch. Not too long after starting the movie, I scoot closer to him, laying my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me, and I try to stay awake as long as possible. The comfort of his body against mine makes me feel so at peace that I drift asleep.

After Rig tells me we are going out to dinner tonight, just the two of us, I practically burst out of my skin. It means a lot to me, not only because he’s trying hard to give me something he thinks he’s incapable of giving, but because it’s the second time we are going out after the first attempt failed. He must not think I would do something as stupid again.

We still have a couple hours before we go, so I take some time to myself and hang out by the lake. Not knowing when we are leaving here makes me want to absorb my surroundings, and savor every last bit of this beautiful place. Rig’s out doing some errands, and I’m definitely on heightened alert. It’s been made clear that the grounds are being watched by the family living here and a security staff for their large property. I don’t know who this family is, but from what Rig has told me, they are very well known in the area and have had some issues with people trying to take advantage of their generous nature. It makes me question why we are here exactly. Why would he put us in a place that previously had some issues? Maybe it’s all about hiding in plain sight; either way it makes me feel a little uneasy.

The huge willow provides the perfect shade for my reading. I glance up from my book when something glints in the distance. Nerves rattle me, and I’m not sure what or who it is.

I slowly get up, trying to get a better look while I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024