Escaping Parker - F.T. Zele Page 0,17

just a lot of hiding.”

“Well, what fun would it be to have explained it in the beginning? Remember, you don’t really know anything until it happens. Let’s get inside, and I’ll explain more later on.”

I’m not up for a fight, or anymore unwanted weirdness between us, so I help grab a bag, and quietly walk up to the house with him.

Before we reach the doors, an elderly couple exits and greets us, hand in hand. The tiny-framed woman comes right up to Rig and hugs him tightly.

“Ryan, it’s been so long. How are you doing?” She takes him by the shoulders, examining him. “Let me look at you here. Glad to have you back.”

His eyes dart to me. Ryan, huh? I make a mental note to call him by that when he makes me do “work.”

“Alice, I’m good. Thank you for having us. This here is—”

“Parker.” She smiles. “We’ve been waiting for you. Andrew already filled us in. This is my husband, Jim.” Jim extends his hand toward me and I shake it. “Well, come on in, let’s get you settled. Ryan, be a dear and help the lady with her bag.”

Rig snatches my bag like a good boy, and I chuckle, letting it slip a little. He bites his lip and shakes his head. Now I really want to find out the connection between them. I don’t know what it is about Alice, but I already like her.

The stairs creak while we walk up them, and when we get inside, I’m transported into the sixties: green carpet, floral chairs, everything looks antique and untouched. The house seems like its falling apart around them, the wallpaper is peeling off the walls. Nothing looks kept up, and I’m now starting to understand the meaning of work.

“You must be hungry from all the traveling. I heated up some leftovers for you guys. Please come into the kitchen and sit down.”

“It smells great, thank you,” I say as Rig pulls my seat out for me. I kind of like having Alice around. It brings out this completely different side of the stuffy, crass, I-know-everything Rig.

“Thank you, Alice. I think we can handle it from here. It’s late, you guys should get some rest,” Rig suggests.

She gives him a slow nod. “I suppose you are right. 6am comes quick. Well, we’ll see you in the morning.”

With that, they head out of the kitchen, and I have yet to hear Jim talk.

Now it’s just me and Rig, sitting alone, and I’m sure I’m the only one feeling uncomfortable. After that kiss, God that fake kiss, I’m just embarrassed. After feeling dead for so long, all it takes is a tiny bit of life breathed into me to make me act in a careless way.

I thought I was getting used to this, but my feelings are all over the place. I’m sure it comes with the situation.

No matter how hard I try, I can’t stop thinking about the kiss. “So . . .” I say.

“So, look, stop beating yourself up,” he says, as if he’s reading my mind. “I apologized, and said it wouldn’t happen again.”

“You panicked, and the first thing you do is kiss me? How do I know I am going to be safe?”

“I didn’t panic,” he grumbles. “I had a couple seconds to figure shit out, and I did. Are we here at the safe house, or are you on your way back to that asshole? Like I said, I do what I have to do to keep us safe, don’t you ever doubt that.” He takes the food out of the oven and dishes it out. He drops mine in front of me with a loud thud.

I flinch, the sound of the plate jarring an old memory.

I sit at the table, waiting for Steven to get home so we can eat dinner. The door clicks open, and I get up, excited to see him.

“How was your day? I missed you.” I wrap my arms around him, but something feels off, cold.

“Why isn’t the food on the plates? Is that too much to ask for after a long day of work? I just want to eat.” He spits, and I have no idea why he’s so angry.

I assume he had a long day at work, and I walk over to dish out our food.

“Don’t worry about that, since you couldn’t do that for me earlier. I’ll do it myself.” He yanks the serving spoon from my fingers and fills his plate. He grabs Copyright 2016 - 2024