Enoch's Ghost - By Bryan Davis Page 0,131

head. Walter leaped out of the way and charged toward the giant’s blind side, raising Excalibur in attack position.

Spinning quickly, Chazaq dodged. Walter’s feet slipped out from under him, and Excalibur flew from his grip, clattering to the stone as he slid past Chazaq’s legs.

The giant leaped in the direction of the sword, but Walter caught the toe of Chazaq’s oversized boot, tripping him and sending him toppling to the floor. Scrambling to his feet, Walter dove for Excalibur, snatched it off the ground, rolled away from the giant, then sprawled on the wet concrete, groaning.

Karen pressed her hands together. “Walter!” she shouted. “You can do it! I know you can do it!”

Walter pushed against the ground and rose slowly, nodding at Karen. “Thanks,” he gasped. “I’m glad someone thinks so.”

Ashley shuffled into the turbine room, her arm over Sapphira’s shoulders.

“Ashley!” Walter raised his hand, still breathless. “Stand back! I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” He turned again and faced Chazaq, who had just climbed back to his feet.

Karen waved Ashley and Sapphira to the concrete pillar. When they huddled together on their knees, she whispered. “Gabriel’s unconscious.”

The three girls made a tent over Gabriel with Karen’s jacket. “Walter’s supposed to be distracting the giants while Roxil sneaks up on the one on the turbine,” Karen said, “but I thought she would have attacked him by now.” She pointed toward the covered portion of the turbine room. “Mardon’s watching from over there. He’s not so confident anymore.”

Uncovering his bleeding eye, Chazaq raised a fist and roared. “I am going to grind you into dust!”

“Why don’t you add a ‘Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum’ to that?” Walter shouted. “Then I’ll really be scared!”

“What’s Walter doing?” Karen asked. “Is he crazy?”

“He’s taunting the giant,” Ashley explained. “Anger in battle is a handicap, so Walter’s trying to get him to do something stupid.”

Chazaq dove at Walter in a flying rage. Leaping out of the way, Walter hacked at the giant’s outstretched arm and sliced his wrist, drawing a new stream of blood. Chazaq grasped his wound and kicked at Walter, but he leaped away again, this time narrowly missing the giant’s ankle with another swipe of his sword.

“Chazaq!” Mardon shouted from the turbine room exit. “Don’t be such a fool! Remember what I taught you. A warrior has a will of iron. He cannot be seduced by a cunning opponent. Your pride in your brawn will be your downfall if you don’t change your tactics. Use your gifts, not your anger.”

Growling deeply, Chazaq lifted a hand toward the sky. As though he were a lightning rod, energy from the other giant’s beams streamed into Chazaq’s arm, making his hair stand on end. He extended a thick finger on his other hand. A jagged yellow bolt shot out and sizzled into Walter’s chest.

Walter flew backwards and slammed into a pillar, smacking his head against the concrete. Slumping to the side, he exhaled and his arms fell limply to the floor.

“Walter!” Karen screamed.

Ashley tried to get up, but Sapphira grabbed her arm. “No! Neither of you can do anything to help.”

“But I have to,” Ashley wheezed, trying to wiggle loose. “He’s my friend. He’s my … my best friend.”

“Get the sword,” Mardon ordered, walking into the open area. “Then kill him.”

Karen shook free and bolted from the pillar.

“Karen!” Ashley shouted. “No!”

Dashing into the battle zone with her head ducked low, Karen sprinted toward Walter. When Chazaq reached for Excalibur, she zipped past him and scooped it up as she ran. She straddled Walter, pointing the heavy blade at the huge, looming giant and screamed, “Get back, you creep!”

“She is mine!” the giant atop the generator shouted. “She is my prize!”

Covering his wounded eye again, Chazaq scowled at him. “Bagowd! Did you bargain for this puny wench?”

“There was no risk. I knew you would squash the runt.”

Ashley struggled to get up, but Sapphira pushed her down and sprinted to Karen, sliding to a stop between her and Chazaq. Using both hands, she shoved Chazaq’s thighs, but he barely moved an inch.

Chazaq laughed. “The little men are vanquished, and now the little women come to their rescue.”

Sapphira raised her hands. Fire leaped from her palms and formed into balls of flame. “You absorb light energy, Chazaq, but I wager that you’re still flammable. Want to test my theory?”

With a powerful swipe, Chazaq slapped her wrists, extinguishing her flames and knocking her to the side. Karen lunged and swung the sword at the giant’s arm, missing badly. The momentum of her

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