Enoch's Ghost - By Bryan Davis Page 0,130

at Enoch. “We are mere men, leaders of flocks of the faithful on the Earth, and we have journeyed through this land wondering why we have not been able to reach Heaven. Even now at the very gate of entry, it seems that we are unable to enter, so we are willing to do whatever we must.”

“We shall see.” Enoch gestured for him to rise and continued walking down the line of men until he reached the final one. Looking toward Heaven’s shield he cried out, “Will ten blind or nearsighted men be able to accomplish this task?”

“Do you want me to send them away?” Elam asked. “I didn’t know one of them attacked Naamah until they showed up.”

Enoch waved his hand at Elam. “I was asking God, not you.” He gazed at them from head to toe, then looked at Naamah, who tried to hide behind Elam. “We will let them stay. The word from on high is that they will serve God’s ultimate purpose.”

Zane clapped one of his followers on the back. “Excellent!”

“Father Enoch?” Acacia laid a hand on the prophet’s elbow, her face streaked with pain. “Now that the participants have been approved, is the timing right for me to begin?”

“Yes, dear child.” Enoch took her hand and patted the top. “I know how tragically dangerous and difficult your task will be. After all, the chosen one is a hybrid, much like yourself, yet thrown away before her birth. Still, every great sacrifice requires great suffering, and I know you will be able to carry out what you have been called to do.”

Acacia walked to Heaven’s shield and set her back against it. As she stretched her arms forward, fire erupted in her upturned hands, two egg-shaped flames that sat in the center of her palms. Her lips thinning out and tears sparkling in her brilliant eyes, she looked at Enoch. “I await your signal, Father.”

Your dragon powers are gone?” Sapphira caressed Ashley’s hands. “Are you sure?”

Ashley nodded slowly. “I can’t even remember the quadratic formula, and I feel sick to my stomach. I can usually make nausea go away in a few seconds, but I can’t do it now.”

Sapphira covered her eyes with her hand. “I feel it again.”

“Feel what again?”

Blue light leaked between her fingers. “Remember when I looked inside you and saw a dragon?”

“Uh-huh. You scared me so bad, I was ready to slap you.”

“I’m so sorry!” Sapphira closed the gaps between her fingers. “I think it will stop soon.”

Ashley wrapped her fingers gently around Sapphira’s wrist. “It’s okay. I want to know what you see now.” She slid Sapphira’s hand away from her face.

Blue beams emanated from her eyes and spilled over Ashley, covering her in a blanket of azure light. Sapphira wheezed, breathing frantically. “I really don’t like doing this. I don’t like peeking at someone’s soul. I have no right to do that.”

“You have my permission.” Ashley slid into the center of the light. “Tell me what you see.”

After a few seconds, the beams dimmed and blinked out. Sapphira closed her eyes and wept.

Ashley took her hand. “What’s wrong? Did you see someone worse than a dragon inside me?”

“That’s not the problem.” Sapphira shook her head hard.

Ashley lifted Sapphira’s chin. “Can you tell me what you saw?”

Wiping a tear, Sapphira leaned close and whispered, “The dragon’s gone.”

Ashley firmed her lips and nodded. “That’s no surprise, I guess, since the traits are gone.”

“But there was nothing there.” Sapphira spread out her hands. “Nothing at all. No dragon and no angel.”

Ashley winced at Sapphira’s words but couldn’t raise her voice above a whisper. “I’m just an empty shell?”

Sapphira shook her head. “Don’t say that. It can’t be true.”

“But it is true. I feel the void, like my whole body is about to collapse.” Ashley wrapped her arms weakly around herself. “I’m nothing inside. Nothing at all.”

A loud clatter sounded from beyond the exit door. Ashley sat up straight. “What was that?”

“It came from where Walter and Karen went.” Sapphira pushed her shoulder under Ashley’s arm. “Lean on me, and we’ll find out together.”

Chapter 21


A pulse! Thank God!” Karen took off her jacket and covered Gabriel’s head with the hood. With cold drizzle now pecking through her hair, she watched the battle, praying for Walter with all her might. What else could she do? She felt useless, too weak and small to make a difference.

With one hand covering his wounded eye, Chazaq stomped toward Walter, reaching for the young man’s

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