The Enforcer - Kelli Callahan Page 0,53

sniffle. “Now, let go of me before I lay you out,” I say, meaning every word. He stares at me before letting go. I continue walking down the road, holding up my thumb.

“Wait, wait a goddamn minute!”

“I’m not waiting any longer,” I call over my shoulder. “I’m not waiting for men to show me they love me after treating me like crap. If that’s the girl you want, well she’s long gone. You can thank Michael for that,” I say casually over my shoulder striding along the sidewalk feeling him watching me as I walk away.

“Hold up,” he says racing after me, “I get it. I know what I said was wrong. I was an asshole. But hitchhiking is just plain stupid.”

“Well I’m sorry you think I’m stupid,” I say, as he grasps my elbow and pulls me to him.

“For Christ’s sake. Come on, Diana. Look at me. Talk to me.” pulling me close to him, grabbing my chin and tilting it up to look at him. I stare up into his eyes, feeling my lips trembling. “I’m sorry Diana. Okay. Is that what you need to hear? I’m so fucking sorry for all of this. I wanted to protect you, but I couldn’t. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel knowing that I put your life at risk because I thought that I was doing the right thing? When in reality I just made everything so much worse. I’ve failed you. I failed them. God, how can you even look at me?” he asks. “I’m not good for you, Diana. Can’t you see that? I’m only gonna hurt you or get you killed.”

“You don’t know that,” I whisper.

“The fuck I don’t. How else do you explain all the events that are happening right now? You’re in danger because of me. I’m not a good person Diana. I hurt people.”

“Jake,” I whisper, reaching up and caressing his cheek. “You are a good person. You’ve done so much for me. And you’re right. I really think that I would have died in that hotel, along with countless others if you hadn’t taken me away from there. You saved my life when my house was burning down,” I choke on my tears. “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. You make everything so much better every day,” I sniffle. “I’m in love with you, Jake,” I whisper.

He pulls me close, pressing his head against my forehead swallowing hard. I feel his hand shaking on my arm.

“I’m in love with you too, Diana. Even though I know it can only end badly. I love you more than I ever thought myself capable; more than anyone has ever loved,” he whispers. “That’s how much I love you. Diana.” He slides his hand under my chin, lifting it, and pressing his lips softly to mine.

I feel my body relax as his hand tangles in my short hair, and he pulls me closer. Who knew that all I needed was his arms around me and his mouth on mine?

Pulling away he presses his forehead to mine. “I’m afraid to love you because I’m afraid to lose you. I’m afraid that I will never deserve you.”

“Oh, Jake.” I reach up to caress his rough cheek again. “You are the most deserving man I’ve ever known. Just because you had a hard start in life, just because you were a part of a tragedy as a child that no one in their right mind could expect you to react any differently to, just because we’ve made some mistakes these last couple of days, doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve to be right where you are, in the arms of the woman you love.”

“Are you sure you want me? All of me? Truly?”

“I am sure. I’ve never been more sure of anything.” I whisper, “Okay?” He nods. Reaching down for my hand, he laces his fingers with mine, and I feel my heart soar.

“Can I walk you to the car?” he asks. “I know a place where we can go, somewhere more private, where we can continue this conversation,” Jake says, leading me to the car.

“You got us a room?” I ask as we pull up in front of the only other nice hotel in town.

“I did,” he says, “is that okay? I mean, I don’t really know where else either of us would go. My place went up in flames just like yours.”

“No, it’s great,” I say, smiling at him, as he reaches Copyright 2016 - 2024