The Endless Road to Sunshine - Nicky James Page 0,105

Hunter will be so happy it’s you and not him this week.”


“Darn right. I’m gonna cuddle the fuck out of you until you feel better.”

He considered, a slight turn in his lip hinting at a smile. Then he nodded. When his gaze flicked to the unopened beer I’d shoved away, I said, “Can we do without those?”

Another nod.

I ordered a pizza and took Jason into the living room. He had Netflix, so I flipped through a bunch of options, wanting to keep it light. The last thing he needed was some heavy drama. He didn’t seem to have an opinion and let me scroll. I didn’t watch a whole lot of TV since I was either always on the road, working or studying, but when I found one of my all-time favorite movies, I hit play.

I shimmied down against the back of the couch and encouraged Jason to lie in front of me. I encased him in my arms, squeezing him tight as the movie began. He didn’t object, and I thought he needed this more than he could admit. Physical contact. Comfort. Permission to not be okay.

Five minutes in, he glanced over his shoulder, frowning. “What the hell are we watching?”

I couldn’t keep the grin off my face. “Pitch Perfect. It’s epic. Trust me. I love this movie.”

Jason looked at me like I had six heads, but he lay back down, wedging his body as close to mine as he could get.

I stroked his hair, kissed his temple, and became thoroughly invested in the plot. In no time, I was talking through the dialogue over top of the actors and singing along with each song, swinging my hips as much as my restricted position allowed. I nuzzled Jason’s ear, buzzing with energy and singing to him. “You know,” I said between songs. “Fat Amy is my all-time favorite character. She’s the best.”

“I don’t know what’s happening right now.”

I laughed and pointed at the screen. “Well, these girls are looking for a new—”

“No. Not the movie. I mean with you.” Jason rolled to his back and stared at me with so much wonder and confusion I clamped my mouth shut. I got the sense he hadn’t registered the movie at all. “Why are you here right now? I’m a great big hot fucking mess, but here you are. On my couch. Holding me like I’m some pathetic…” He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose a minute before continuing. “I don’t get it. I don’t understand.”

I smiled and smoothed out the worry lines on his forehead. “Because I want to be here. Because you’re not a bad person, and I like hanging out with you.”

It’s nice to be wanted and needed, but I didn’t say that part out loud.

Jason caught my wrist to stop my fussing. “What’s happening here, Skylar? You and me. What is this?”

A burst of adrenaline made my heart pound. “I don’t know. Do you want me to leave?”

“No. I…” His face screwed up into a frown. “I’m a miserable fucking dick, and yet here you are like it doesn’t matter.”

“You’re not that bad. You’re going through a rough time. I know what that’s like. When you feel like the world is crushing you. I mean, what I’ve been through, it’s not the same, obviously, but…”

Jason huffed, and I kissed him when he tried to pull away.

“I want to be here. I like this, whatever it is. Don’t think about it so hard. Does it matter? Just let this be whatever it wants to be, okay?”

Jason stilled and studied my face. When he opened his mouth to respond, the door buzzer sounded.

I pecked his frown and hopped up off the couch. “Hold that thought. Pizza’s here.”

Once I’d paid and found a few plates in the kitchen, I joined Jason on the couch again. I wondered when he’d eaten last because once he got started, he devoured five slices without coming up for air. Considering I’d hardly seen the man eat much of anything before, it shocked me.

As he ate, he opened up and shared about his failed visit with his creepy ex. He told me about his friend, Levi, and staying at his house with his wife and kids. The more he talked, the more the tension from his body unfurled. By the time we’d finished eating, he was a changed man.

The movie continued to play, and I leaned against Jason’s side, his arm over my shoulder as we kept watching. It was cozy Copyright 2016 - 2024