Enchanting the Duke - Lana Williams Page 0,9

long while for him to find slumber when he’d finally joined her, but he’d woken some time later to find her curled against his side, and his body hardened instantly.

He’d shifted away and put his back to her but soon after, they were pressed against each other again. If he sated his need for her, he might be able to sleep, but he resisted the urge. He only allowed himself one night each week to indulge in the feel of her wrapped around him.

“Never allow the need for something, especially a woman or spirits, to guide your actions.” His grandfather had advised him of that more times than he could count. Grandfather insisted indulging in such actions weakened the mind and body.

That was the mistake his father had made time and again. His indulgent behavior ruined him and nearly ruined the duchy when his grandfather was left with no choice but to pay off debt after debt incurred by both of his parents. Everyone around them had paid a high price for their actions, including Douglas.

His grandfather insisted love for any person or thing made one weak. Avoiding that was something Douglas promised to himself and his grandfather, and he wasn’t about to break that vow.

In the light of day, it had been easy to think sharing a bed with Eleanor would be simple. But it wasn’t. He blamed it on the moment he’d fastened her locket. He’d been grateful for the excuse to allow him to draw closer and touch her. Even now, he could visualize the delicate curve of her neck as she tipped her head forward. The pale, soft skin scented with lilac had teased him, the urge to press his lips to her delicate nape nearly overwhelming.

Burbridge and his duchess also shared in the blame. The two of them seemed to thoroughly enjoy each other and acted as if they were the best of friends, not merely husband and wife. Douglas had never seen anything like it and found their behavior disconcerting.

He was waiting to see the telltale signs of weakness in Burbridge. In fact, he’d told himself the house party itself was a sign of indulgent behavior.

But from the way Burbridge spoke, he was up to date and thoroughly involved in managing his duchy. Perhaps more would be revealed in the coming days. Already the conversations on crops and farming techniques had been helpful. Hearing what worked well for others would benefit his efforts to improve his holdings.

Farming techniques—that was it. He need only focus on such things to curb this restlessness. He recounted their discussion on clipping hops and felt his body relax. Then his wife released a soft sigh and rolled toward him, placing her hand on his bare chest.

He should’ve instructed his valet to bring him something to sleep in, but Douglas was normally too warm at night. Eleanor’s hand shifted along his chest and once again his rod stiffened.

Blast it all. He was the master of his mind and body. He repeated the phrase silently, forced his muscles to relax, and drew long, slow breaths.

Eleanor rolled onto her side, facing away from him, taking temptation with her. Thank goodness. Now he could get some sleep.


Eleanor was having a lovely dream. Her husband’s warm hand moved over her back, massaging the muscles until her entire body felt pliant as she lay on her side facing away from him, legs bent. Her nightgown had edged upward, leaving her bare to his touch. Then that magical hand moved lower, to her bottom, caressing there.

Liquid heat washed over her, and passion stirred. The familiar scent she’d come to crave wrapped her in desire. As always, his touch ignited her. Did he realize how much his caresses stirred her? It wasn’t their normal night to make love and, thus far in their brief marriage, he never strayed from that routine. The discipline he lived by each day extended to their time in bed together as well.

Did she dare roll over and touch him? Should she make him aware of the fact that she was more than willing to fully enjoy this moment? Or would that bring it to an abrupt halt?

She debated her options, only to lose all thought as his touch became more intimate, moving along her bottom until those clever fingers drew ever closer to her center. The unusual position confused her, but his touch felt so wonderful, she couldn’t bring herself to move. An aching need rose within her when he touched the

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