Enchanting the Duke - Lana Williams Page 0,8

last check then stepped back. “Will that be all, your grace?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Babette took her leave before Eleanor realized she hadn’t asked the maid to help her to fasten the gold locket Eleanor wanted to wear. After locating the necklace, she attempted to fasten it, knowing she could do it easily if her husband weren’t watching so closely. Heat rushed in her cheeks when the clasp eluded her grasp for the third time.

“Allow me.” The deep timbre of his voice sent shivers along her skin though she did her best to ignore it.

But the feel of his warm fingers against the back of her neck was impossible to dismiss and caused her to draw a quick breath.

“Thank you,” she managed, hoping he wouldn’t note the gooseflesh covering her body.

A long pause followed, making her wonder what he was doing back there since he hadn’t stepped away. Then she felt the heat of his body along her bare neck and his familiar scent wrapped around her in an embrace.

“You are welcome.” The heat disappeared but his appealing scent lingered. He stepped around to face her and lifted the locket to examine it. “That’s pretty.”

“A gift from my grandmother.” She dropped her gaze, berating herself for mentioning that. As if he would care.

“Hmm.” Yet still he held the locket.

She glanced up to find him even closer. A deepening awareness rose within her, setting her body aflame. The necklace served as a tether between them, delicate and so easily breakable, reminding her of their bond if the connection could be called that.

They were rarely so close to each other when the lights were this bright. She drank in his appearance greedily, noting his long dark lashes, the flecks of gold in his green eyes, the shadow of whiskers along his firm jaw, his lips that brought her such pleasure when pressed against hers.

Her breath caught even as her pulse thrummed.

How she wished the passion he showed for her during his weekly visit to her bed extended beyond that to moments like this. The shared emotion might be enough to build on, to make their marriage more.

“I don’t remember either of my grandmothers.”

She pondered his quiet words, trying to regain her grip on the conversation. He never spoke of his family. Not even his grandfather, though she knew he’d been raised by him for much of his life. She hesitated, trying desperately to think of a way to expand the conversation. If he only knew how much she wanted to know more about him despite telling herself she didn’t care. Yet she feared sharing that wish would cause him to withdraw, much like he had the few times she’d felt a connection with him.

An amusing story about her grandmother was on the tip of her tongue. But that would never do. She wanted to prove to him that she was serious and thoughtful, not flighty and entertaining.

“I owe my thanks to Grandmother Taylor for insisting my education went beyond the normal topics for young ladies. She and my mother frequently argued over the issue. Luckily, Grandmother Taylor won with my father’s approval.” She reached up to take the locket from him and opened it. “She put a tiny drawing of the Matterhorn on one side to remind me to reach high in all I do.”

The fine lines around his eyes crinkled ever so slightly as he studied the sketch. That was closer to a smile than she’d received in a long while. She took that as a victory, no matter how small.

But she wanted more, just as her grandmother had taught her. She had to keep trying. Moments like this restored her hope and determination. The next few days would be an interesting test to see if she could gain more ground with the enigmatic man who stirred her so.

“Shall we?” she asked then stepped back and walked to the door without waiting for an answer. She could only hope she’d left him wanting more.

Chapter Three

Douglas turned over once more, unable to find a comfortable position on the mattress as a clock somewhere in the house chimed twice. Surely, his continued restlessness was only because this was the first night sleeping in a strange place even if the chamber was well-appointed.

He gave himself a mental shake. No reason to lie. The lure of Eleanor next to him was the problem. Denying it didn’t change the truth. He’d waited until he was sure she’d fallen asleep before retiring for the evening. It had taken a

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