Emmitt's Treasure - Melissa Haag Page 0,6

me try harder to get them to relax around me. Eventually, they did. Just enough to say a word here and there so we could play some games.

After several hours, I noticed Aden wiggling in his seat.

“I don’t know about you two, but I sure could use a bathroom break. Mind if I find us someplace with a bathroom?”

Neither one answered so I went ahead and pulled into the first motel I found.

As soon as I cut the engine, Michelle sat up. Her bloodshot eyes took in the motel, and panic ripped through her.

“Michelle, the kids could use a break, and I think you’d benefit from some real sleep. How about I get the three of you a room while I stay with the truck?” I said to assure her that I had no intention of joining her, even though it would have been a dream come true.

She turned to meet my gaze, and I saw her mistrust. I tried not to let it hurt. Something had happened to her. Something that had robbed her of sleep and filled her with fear. I didn’t know how to help ease any of it.

“You can hang on to the truck keys, of course,” I said.

That seemed to do the trick. She hesitantly nodded.

“You two keep an eye on her. I’ll be right back.”

I got out and pressed down the lock before I closed the door. It wasn’t that I thought anyone would try to come after them. I just wanted her to feel safe.

In the office, I asked for a room and paid cash. As soon as I had the key, I went back to the truck. All three were watching for me. I held up the key and smiled at Aden. He gave a small smile in return. When I glanced at Michelle, she looked away.

I sighed and recalled something Dad had said long ago. He’d sat Jim and me down at an early age and warned us that, if we were lucky enough to find a Mate, not to expect our first meeting to go well. He’d said women were unpredictable and prickly. Then, Mom had smacked him on the back of the head and called us to dinner. He’d been telling the truth, and I realized it would take some time to win Michelle over.

After unlocking the door, I apologized to Aden for the delay then moved the truck to a spot in front of their room.

As soon as I cut the engine, I handed the motel key to Michelle and got out to open her door. The boys were quick to hop out behind her. She still moved a little too slowly as she walked toward the room and wasn’t able to immediately fit the key, which was killing Aden.

Taking pity on the kid, I went to reclaim the key. Michelle handed it over but then took a quick step back as if she’d given me a weapon. She was so skittish. I needed to find out who David, Blake, and Richard were to her and what they’d done to make her that way. Ideas flipped over in my head. None of them good. Each one made me want to hurt David all over again. The decorative end of the key bent slightly as I shoved it into the lock. With more care, I turned the key and opened the door for them.

“If you need anything, I’ll be right here. Yell, and I promise I’ll hear you.” I moved aside so they could enter.

As she walked past, I caught her hand and placed the room key and truck key in her palm. I could have let her go then. Instead, I took my other hand to wrap her fingers around the keys. I just wanted to prolong touching her, to try to assure her I wasn’t someone to fear. I’d take care of her. Protect her. Forever.

She tightened her hold on the keys and stepped into the room. She was quick to close the door. I didn’t mind. I could hear her lean against the thin wood, watching me. Giving her the assurance she needed, I went back to the truck and got in. The seat wasn’t comfortable, but I leaned back and closed my eyes.

After a few minutes, I rolled down the window so I could hear if any of them called for me, then I watched the sun slowly set.

* * * *

A little after midnight I heard rustling from within the room. I quietly left

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