Emmitt's Treasure - Melissa Haag Page 0,5

put my bike in the back so I could drive and she could sleep. But, it also meant the kids would need to share a seatbelt. While I was trying to think of a way to help prod her to say yes, she surprised me by telling the guy she’d take it.

“Come inside, and we’ll sign the papers. Do you have the title with you?”

“Yes, I think so. Let me go get it.”

“I’ll get it for you and move your things,” I said from behind her. It would give me a chance to load my bike without witnesses. The faster we were on our way once she was done, the better.

While she went to the office with the salesman, I jogged to the car. The title was in the glove box. Tucking the paper into my back pocket, I opened the back door. Though the car seats wouldn’t fit in the truck, I removed them and her purse from the car, then loaded the seats in the back of the truck along with my bike.

Finished switching things over, I went back to the office and handed the salesman the title. It didn’t take him long to sign over the truck and hand the keys to Michelle.

I followed Michelle and the boys from the office, trying to think of a way to ask for the keys. When we reached the truck, she glanced questioningly at my bike in the bed.

I tried giving her a reassuring smile.

“I hope you’ll accept my help for a little longer. You need to move from here, but you don’t look like you’ll be able to stay awake for very long.”

Her uncertainty and desperation drifted into the air around us, and I had to put my hands in my pockets to keep from reaching for her.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“Emmitt, for now. When you’re more awake, I’ll give you whatever details you want.”

She nodded, and I wanted to grin. Instead, I walked the three of them to the passenger door and held it open while they got in. She kissed the tops of the boys’ heads as she buckled them in together then sat in her place. Once she buckled, I closed the door and walked around the hood. The road was still clear of any traffic. I hoped that meant the two who’d come for her were still knocked out. They’d catch up to her car, but, hopefully, we’d be miles from it.

I got in and, unable to stop myself, breathed deeply. The cab was filled with her scent already.

“You two have enough room?” I asked, looking down at the cub sitting next to me.

He nodded hesitantly. I buckled, to set a good example, then started the truck. With a wave to the salesman, we left her little red car behind.

“Which direction should I head?” I asked when she didn’t question where I was going.

“Doesn’t matter,” she said, closing her eyes.

Within seconds, her breathing evened out. The boy next to her reached up and began anxiously playing with her hair. It made me sad that they were afraid of me.

She relaxed in her seat and shifted so her weight leaned on the door. I reached over and pressed down the lock. The boys watched me closely.

“Didn’t want her to fall out,” I said.

They continued to look at me.

“I have a younger brother,” I said, feeling the pressure of their scrutiny. “His name’s Jim. He lives in Montana with a friend of ours. I haven’t seen him in almost a year.”

The boy next to me glanced at his brother.

“You guys know my name. It’s Emmitt,” I said, reminding them. “But I don’t know yours.”

“My name is Liam,” the one next to me said. “This is Aden.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m glad I have company. It gets a little boring on long drives. Either of you know how to play I Spy?”

They hesitantly shook their heads, and I took a few minutes to explain the game. I tried several times to get them to play along, but they stayed shyly quiet. Undeterred, I kept talking. I told them stories from my childhood and any kid jokes I could remember.

A few times, Michelle’s breathing changed, but never enough that she woke all the way.

“Mimi?” Aden said softly, leaning against Michelle.

“Buddy, if you need something, you can ask me. She’s so tired and really needs some sleep. Try not to wake her unless you really need her, okay?”

Aden nodded and continued to play with her hair. His uncertainty just made

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