The Emerald Key - By Christopher Dinsdale Page 0,71

landing this ship,” Jamie shouted out. “First time docking as well!”

“Patrick, Ethan, Brian, Kyle!” shouted Shane. “You heard the lad! Get over here and help him land his ship!”

Shane turned back to the ship and cupped his hands. “You’re coming in too quickly! Turn hard to port, reverse the engines and slow yourself down!”

Jamie nodded, ducked back in the wheelhouse and took the wheel back from a girl no older than twelve. He pulled back on the telegraph. Within moments, the big paddle wheels started slapping the water in reverse, bringing the turning ship up against the end of the wharf. The ship slowly sideswiped the dock, and the impact eventually brought it to a screeching stop. Chips of white paint snowed down on the Irish onlookers like flakes of Christmas snow. Shane and the men grabbed the tossed mooring lines and together they wrestled the giant ship up against the dock. The paddlewheels ground to a halt. The young captain clambered down a ladder to the ship’s deck and, with the help of the child crew, threw the gangplank across to the quay. He then stepped across the gangplank and strode up to Shane.

“Thank you for your help in landing my ship, Mr. Beckett.”

They shook hands.

“Pleased to meet you, uh, Captain Galway. Now do you mind telling me what a young lad like you is doing with a ship like this?”

“I volunteered to take the ship on her first run through Lake Ontario. While passing, a little bird told me that there might be some Irish folk here in Toronto who would like to join us on our maiden voyage. So, are there are any takers for our fine promotion? A free cruise to all interested Irish citizens! This once-in-a-lifetime offer has been brought to you by your good friends at Western Star Shipping Lines.”

Shane stared at him as if he had two heads, then burst out laughing. He turned to his fellow countrymen. “This lad wants to take us on a free cruise around the lake. What say you?”

A huge cheer swelled up from the desperate crowd.

“Jamie Galway,” said Shane, as he wrapped his arms around his wife and children, “I don’t know where you came from, but in my books, you’re an angel sent from Heaven.”

Chapter 19

Up in the wheelhouse of the Flying Irishman, Jamie Galway and Shane Beckett quickly became friends. As the city of Toronto faded into the mist behind the stern of their ship, Jamie explained to Shane everything that had happened to him since leaving Ireland; his harrowing trip across the Atlantic, his escape from Grosse Isle, nearly losing his life in the fires in Montreal, and then stealing the ship from the company that had caused his brother and hundreds of other Irish so much misery. Jamie played down the significance of the old Celtic book that rested in his satchel, simply saying it was an invaluable artifact for the church.

Shane couldn’t help but be impressed by the young priest’s determination. It was obvious that Jamie had no regrets regarding his many unorthodox, perhaps criminal actions. Given how Canadian law had abandoned his own family this past week, Shane himself had no issues with steaming a stolen ship across Lake Ontario in order to reach a safe haven for his family.

Before them, the bustling town of St. Catharines grew ever closer. The docks to the town lay just to the north of the city. Shane had offered to dock the ship for Jamie. Shane had spent his younger days fishing with his uncle in the Irish Sea. Jamie laughed and gladly offered him the title of “captain.”

“This time, it would be best if we brought her to the dock with some semblance of professionalism,” agreed Jamie. “We don’t want to bring any undesired attention to our arrival.”

“So what are your plans, Jamie, once we reach the dock?” asked Shane.

“I’ll comb through every work party along the entire length of the Welland Canal and see if my brother is among them. If he isn’t there, and I can’t find any more clues, then I’ll have no choice but to head back to Ireland with the book.”

“And what of this ship?”

He shrugged. “Now that I’ve made it to St. Catharines, I was going to simply set her adrift in the night and let Western Star salvage her out on the open water.”

Shane thought for a moment. “If you do that, the authorities will soon be all over St. Catharines looking for the culprits who Copyright 2016 - 2024