The Emerald Key - By Christopher Dinsdale Page 0,72

stole her. They’ll have you arrested before the end of the week. You and your brother will never get back to Ireland.”

“I was going to head by land for the American border as soon as possible to avoid being caught,” explained Jamie. “But I see your point, especially if the search takes longer than a day or two.”

“To get into the United States by land, you will need to cross the dangerous Niagara River. Don’t even think about swimming it, lad. Everyone who has tried has drowned. You’ve never seen a river like it. It truly is a frothing white monster of death and a perfect borderline between two countries.”

“I was hoping I wouldn’t have to swim,” agreed Jamie, thinking back to his near drowning at Grosse Isle.

“The only way across is through Canadian government checkpoints at ferry crossings. By then, the authorities might have a description of you. They’ll be waiting at the crossings for you with half of the British army.”

“A very good point,” said Jamie, discouraged. “You’ve successfully pulled apart my only escape plan. Do you have any suggestions?”

“I think after you leave the ship, you should let me sail the Flying Irishman to the United States.”

“Your family wants to go to the United States?” repeated Jamie. “Why?”

“I can tell you that many of us on board have no desire to return to a city that treated us like animals. We have relatives already in Boston and New York City. I have a cousin on Long Island who has begged me to move closer. My family and I will go to New York and start our lives all over again.”

“And the orphans?”

“I’ve already talked to the other families. We’d be more than happy to adopt one into our family and the other families have agreed to do likewise. They all seem to be wonderful children.”

“That’s fantastic news! But how will you get there? You can’t sail the ship all the way to New York City.”

Shane smiled. “I’ve heard in the Toronto pubs of a little-used dock near Rochester, New York, that has been used in the past for smuggling Irish across the border. We’ll tie her up there in the evening twilight and quietly drift off into the American night. We’ll then likely catch a ride up the Erie Canal to New York City.”

Jamie could see the plan coming together. “Because the ship will be found deserted in American waters, it will likely be seized by American authorities. That will cause Western Star Shipping Lines a huge headache to get her back.”

“And Western Star should have no idea that you disembarked from the ship here in St. Catharines. Hopefully in all their confusion of finding their ship in American hands, the company will be completely thrown off your trail. They will think that you moved on with us to New York City. They will then have to give up their search.”

Jamie smiled. “All right. You’ve convinced me of your plan so far. But I myself still have to get across the border. The British might still look for me at the border crossings. How will I get into the United States?”

“Leave that to me,” Shane smiled. “I owe you an escape plan. My family and I will gladly wait for you in Tonawanda. It’s a village just across the Niagara River from the head of the Welland Canal. At exactly midnight, send me three quick flashes then two slow from the Canadian shoreline, and I’ll come over with a boat to pick you up. After that, my family would be honoured if you joined us on our journey to New York City. You’ll find plenty of ships heading back to Ireland from there.”

“That’s a kind offer, Shane, but the search for my brother might take a while.”

Shane clapped him on the back. “We’ll wait in town for two weeks before heading off to New York City. It’s the least I can do for a young priest who’s half off his rocker but has a heart the size of Canada.”

Jamie shook his hand. “Then I hope to see you again soon.”

Shane pulled down the telegraph until it read “Ahead Slow.” The brass bell rang in confirmation. He stepped aside and offered the wheel back to Jamie. “We still have a couple more minutes before docking. I’ll let you have your last turn as captain while I go and tell everyone below our plan.”

Captain Shane soon returned to the wheel and the Flying Irishman came to a much less Copyright 2016 - 2024