Embracing Winter (Lords of Discord #4) - Jocelynn Drake Page 0,151

He wasn’t sure Aiden was ready to hear it, but he would hold it until he was.

“Tell him I’ve loved him every single day since we first met. I’m so grateful for all that he’s done, but it’s time for him to stop living for our children and find love again.”

“I’ll tell him.”

“Good. Now go tell your brothers I love them and how proud I am of them. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Winter watched as she turned and walked through a wall, disappearing from sight. He had no idea how she was going to find Fox or how many other ghosts she talked to. In all his years as a vampire, he’d never used a ghost to seek out information quite like this. He just spoke to the ghosts who likely knew his target. Would she be able to locate where Fox was being held?

Reluctantly, he returned to the library where everyone was gathered and relayed the message from Julianna to her sons. There were tears and silent nods of gratitude. His brothers seemed happy for her words and the knowledge that she’d seen them with their mates.

“Wait!” Ethan gasped. “Does that mean she’s seen everything we’ve done in this house?”

Winter cackled and fell into one of the empty chairs. “And for some reason she still thinks you are the perfect mate for Marcus.”

“Oh God,” he moaned, dropping his bright red face into both of his hands. “I don’t think I can have sex again.”

“I’m pretty sure Marcus will help you forget about what an exhibitionist you’ve been,” Rafe teased.

Marcus leaned over and whispered something into Ethan’s ear. Winter glanced over at Bel and his wolves, who all looked like they were still preening over his mother’s descriptions of beautiful wolves, when she whispered in his ear, “The Wadsworth.”

Winter bolted up to his feet and looked around, but he couldn’t see his mother in the room despite the fact that River still held his ring. She mentioned something about running out of time. Could she not come through any longer?


Aiden rushed to Winter’s side. “What’s wrong?”

He didn’t hesitate. Winter grabbed Aiden’s hand and tapped his powers, parting the veil. A grunt left Aiden as he pulled his father with him into the world of the dead. Around them, he could hear chaos erupting as everyone reacted to their sudden disappearance.

“What are you doing?” Aiden gasped.

Winter ignored his questions and quickly searched the room until he spotted his mother in the doorway. She looked so damn faint, but there was a tired smile on her lips. And in that moment, she had eyes only for Aiden. “There!” he said, pointing at her.

Aiden stiffened and swallowed hard as he was suddenly faced with the ghost of the woman he’d not been able to see in over a century.


“My love. Thank you for everything.”

“I’m so sorry—” Aiden choked out, but the words stopped with a shake of her head.

“I love you. I can’t stay. Be happy. Winter has my message.” She turned her gaze on him. “Go to The Wadsworth. Damon has Fox there.” Her smile returned. “He’s very cute.” And then she simply faded from sight.

Aiden tightly grabbed Winter’s arm, fingers biting into his flesh. “Winter?”

“She’s gone. I think at rest, finally.” Winter placed his hand over his father’s and looked up at him. “And she was happy.”

Aiden pulled Winter into a tight hug. “Thank you,” he whispered. He released a heavy breath, and Winter could feel his entire body relax, as if he were letting go years of old worry and heartache at last. Maybe both of his parents were finally at peace.

When Aiden released him, the older vampire looked around at the chaos that filled the room around them as his brothers argued with each other. “I guess we should go settle them. And then we can retrieve your Fox.”

Yes, that was an excellent idea. He couldn’t wait to tell the witch that his mom thought he was cute. But only after Damon had been ripped apart.

Chapter 30

When Julianna informed him that Damon had holed up in an art museum, he was sure that the bastard had lost his mind. It would have made more sense to get out of town and away from humans. But as Winter stood outside the structure, taking in its Gothic castle-like façade, he understood the building’s allure. If the Variks were going to attack Damon and his men, then they had to lay siege to a fucking castle to take out

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