Embracing Winter (Lords of Discord #4) - Jocelynn Drake Page 0,150

her arms back to her sides and smiled at him.

“I’m sorry we haven’t spoken sooner,” he said, his voice still rough and unsteady.

Julianna was shaking her head. “No, you needed time.”

“You knew? Or…you remember…”

Her expression became pained and her eyes dropped to the piano. “Things became clearer after that night. When I died.”

“I’m sorry we couldn’t save you.”

Her eyes jumped to his face again, and her expression was fierce and determined. A flash of the woman he remembered from his youth. “No. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I saved Ethan that night. And Marcus needs him. I’ve seen them together. They’re so happy.”

Winter nodded and swallowed hard against the lump in his throat. “Yes, they are. You did save him.”

“I needed to do some good…after everything…” Her voice trailed off and she blinked rapidly a few times as if fighting back tears. “I’m so very sorry. I wish I could have said it sooner. I wish I could have said it a hundred times in your life to you and your brothers.”


“Because I know what you suffered for me. I would never have wanted this life for you. I only wanted you and your brothers to be happy. I dreamed of you finding love and living interesting lives on your own.”

Winter stepped up to the baby grand piano and ran his fingers over the shining black lacquer surface. He’d dreamed of this moment, of finally telling her off about all that he’d suffered when she was insane. He wanted to shout at her for all the times they’d pulled her off of one of their siblings, covered in their blood.

But the words wouldn’t come. He couldn’t even summon the anger. The pain was still there as an old dull ache. Yet when he thought of what his life was because of her, he only saw Fox’s smiling face in his mind.

Yes, he’d traveled through hell and he became a vampire, and he’d had to survive two hundred years in order to meet Fox. But it was worth it.

“Life was…difficult at times,” he admitted. “It wasn’t the life I would have expected for me or my brothers.”

“Oh Winter, it was far more than difficult. I know what I did to you—”

His head popped up and he stared at her. “And we always knew it really wasn’t you. What I’m trying to say is that…just because it’s not the life we expected, that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been a good life. You gave me three brothers who have always looked out for me and loved me. You also found the absolute best father for us. Aiden has loved and guided us from the very first day we met. We can’t believe how lucky we are to have him.”

Julianna covered her mouth with both hands as tears slipped down her pale cheeks. “I’m so glad.”

“And we had to live this long in order to find love.”

When she lowered her hands, Winter could see the broad smile on her lips. “I’ve seen. Ethan keeps Marcus from being much too serious. And Bel and his two men!” She gave a giggle that Winter hadn’t heard since he was a child. “They turn into wolves! Beautiful wolves!”

“Rafe has found someone to handle him.”

Julianna laughed again. “Finally. I think his Philippe is making him softer, kinder.” But her expression turned grim. “But what about you? I’ve not seen you here with anyone.”

“I found someone. He’s a witch, actually. Still learning magic. His name is Fox.” Winter’s voice caught when he said his lover’s name. “And I love him…so very much, Mom.”

“That’s wonderful! You must bring him here. I want to see him just once if you’ll let me.”

“He’s been taken…by Damon. The vampire wants us all dead, and he’s taken Fox to hurt me. And I can’t find him. I can’t—”

“It’s okay, my dearest one. I’ll find him for you. I promise.”

Winter blinked at her several times. A chill ran through him as she placed her hand over his. She couldn’t touch him, but there was a feeling of cool air brushing over his skin. “You can do that?”

“Ghosts are pretty good at talking to other ghosts.” Her smile turned a little smug. “I might have bragged that my sons had found the handsomest of men.” The happiness faded all too quickly, and she became serious again. “I feel my time is growing short. If I don’t get another chance, can you give a message to Aiden for me?”

“Of course.” Winter’s heart skipped a beat.

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