Elfsorrow - By James Barclay Page 0,94

this. He’s studied the texts at the temple. He’s dedicated his life to preserving the harmony.’

‘And?’ pushed Denser.

‘Rebraal says the harmony has been broken. That the strangers who took the temple have done it, but he doesn’t know how. That’s why we have to go there. Because you can’t cure this sickness with magic or herbs, and unless harmony is restored the elves will die.’

Erienne frowned. ‘Which elves?’

‘All of us.’

Aeb was unsettled. Protectors were used to being alone, travelling with their Given Xeteskian mage. But in times of conflict the Soul Tank, deep in the catacombs of Xetesk, was always troubled. The souls of those Protectors who could not be physically together communicated their thoughts and their fears for one another. Aeb had been hearing much and the anxiety was rising.

Aeb’s position was unique. Officially he was the Given of Denser, the Dawnthief mage. A high honour in itself. But in reality he was more the defender of Sol, The Unknown Warrior, the only man to have been a Protector and returned from the calling, his soul repatriated to his body.

If Protectors could genuinely feel pride, then Aeb would have been proud. But it didn’t change the fact that he could hear the agitation of the souls of his brothers in his head. They weren’t scared. They were bred to fight and defend. But when they were split they were inevitably weakened, and so anxiety filtered across the Soul Tank.

Aeb had been sitting silent in his room, having bathed his face and let the air play across his maskless features in the dark, calming those he could and listening to the thoughts of others. But now, with the voices still whispering in his head - he could never shut them out and would never want to - he strapped the mask back over his face, ignoring the discomfort, and went to find Sol.

The Unknown Warrior was standing alone but turned when the Protector approached.

‘Aeb,’ said The Unknown, nodding to him.

Aeb could see immediately that he could sense something. It had been a mystery long cherished in the Soul Tank. How Sol, with his soul in his body and not in contact with his Protector brothers any more, could still sense them all and pick up on feelings, though not fully grasp them. It gave them hope that should they ever be released from thrall they would still be joined in some indelible way. It was what they prayed for.

‘I apologise for disturbing you.’

The Unknown shook his head. ‘You are still close to me,’ he said. ‘And something’s worried you. You should be at rest.’


‘Then speak freely. Denser has granted you that freedom gladly.’

‘It is still difficult,’ he said. ‘All these years . . .’

‘You’ve heard something in the Soul Tank,’ guessed The Unknown.

‘Yes,’ said Aeb. ‘It is not information I can volunteer, Sol. You know the strictures of the calling.’

‘But you cannot knowingly lie to a direct question from your Given,’ said Denser, joining them. ‘Sorry to overhear.’

Aeb swung to face the mage.

‘So ask,’ said The Unknown.

‘Aeb, take The Unknown’s questions as coming from me. Answer us both,’ said Denser.


Denser looked across at The Unknown to speak.

‘The Protectors are engaged in combat?’




‘And Xetesk are in control of the town?’


‘How far have the Dordovan forces been pushed back?’

‘They have been eliminated.’

‘What?’ The Unknown gaped and looked across at Denser.

‘Were they given the option of surrender?’ asked the mage.


‘And the Protectors were ordered to kill them all?’

‘All that survived the magical attack. Cavalry were despatched to deal with outlying forces.’

The Unknown and Denser exchanged another glance. Aeb was comforted by it, seeing in their expressions a reflection of his own unease. He would relay this to his brothers later.

‘Describe the spell and its effect,’ ordered Denser.

Aeb paused, consulting with the Soul Tank.

‘A cooperative FlameOrb. Mages called it a FireGlobe. Large area effect. It destroyed the north-western quarter of Arlen. At its splash point, the heat is still too great to bear, even after a day.’

The Unknown cursed. ‘They’re clearing a path,’ he said. ‘And riding roughshod over the rules of engagement. It’ll escalate the conflict.’

‘Clearing a path for who?’ asked Denser.

‘The mage researchers and my brothers on Herendeneth,’ said Aeb immediately. ‘They will return to Balaia soon.’

‘So,’ said Denser, staring at The Unknown. ‘Which of us gets to tell Hirad that Xetesk has no intention of helping his dragons?’

The Unknown raised his eyebrows and walked back into the house.

Chapter 23

Ben-Foran was asleep. It was born of exhaustion, both mental and physical, and

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