Elfsorrow - By James Barclay Page 0,93

she made to leave the room, only to stop at the sound of the door opposite opening. Leaning on the frame for support, a half-naked elf shambled out of the room and across the narrow hallway. His right hand was clamped over his left shoulder and his brow was furrowed and covered in a light sweat. His eyes burned as he took in Erienne and Denser, sparing Ren a brief glance before focussing on Kild’aar and launching into a stream of invective.

Erienne moved reflexively back until she felt Denser behind her, watching Kild’aar stretch to touch the wounded elf and having her hand slapped away. She responded to his words, her voice calming, but this only inspired him to shout, nodding into the room, his neck straining with his anger. Erienne felt her heart beating fast, the vehemence of the verbal onslaught shocking. She reached out and found Denser’s hand.

The elf wasn’t letting up. Whatever Kild’aar said, it wasn’t mollifying him. Ren was following the argument. Again and again she looked about to jump in but something she heard stayed her. The noise in the room was intensifying, Kild’aar shouting now. In the end, Ren did finish it. Erienne saw the young elf clench both her fists, step firmly between the two combatants and yell directly into the wounded elf’s face. The shock of the intercession stopped him and he glared at Ren with interest. Seizing her chance, Ren spoke, her tone firm but calm. She pointed behind her at Mercuun, at Erienne, and out past the elf to the front door. The only word Erienne picked up was ‘Ilkar’, but whatever Ren said had instant effect.

The elf nodded, spoke two words and Ren moved aside. He walked slowly into the room, Kild’aar next to him, an arm about his back. He pulled the shroud aside and gazed down at Mercuun, Erienne seeing his shoulders hunch and fall. He whispered words of prayer, knelt very awkwardly and placed his left hand on Mercuun’s forehead, bowing. He was silent for a time, lost in contemplation or memory.

Denser nudged Erienne and whispered.

‘Looks like a tanned version of Ilkar, doesn’t he?’

‘There’s some resemblance,’ agreed Erienne.

‘So there should be,’ said Ren quietly from beside them. ‘That’s Rebraal, Ilkar’s brother.’

At the sound of his name, Rebraal pushed himself slowly and painfully back to his feet and turned to Erienne and Denser. The anger was gone from his face and Erienne was surprised to see fear in his eyes. He spoke and Ren translated.

‘He says he has to go back to the temple. It must be returned to the hands of the Al-Arynaar. He’s leaving at dawn tomorrow.’

‘Tell him we’ll be with him,’ said Denser.

The mage tensed as Rebraal snorted in derision at Ren’s translation. Erienne put a hand on his arm to calm him.

‘Going to do it on his own, is he?’ asked Denser.

Rebraal snapped out some words. Ren held up her hands, replied and got a terse one-word answer.

‘He’s going to kill strangers. Why would he want more there?’

‘My question still stands,’ said Denser.

‘His brother Al-Arynaar will join him in a few days. He hopes it will be soon enough,’ said Ren.

‘And if it isn’t? He’s left the best chance he’s got here mopping sick brows. Put this to him. We’re coming. We can help, and whatever it is that’s got him so scared will be solved that much more quickly.’

Another short elven conversation.

‘He says the forest will kill you.’

‘I know I speak for us all when I say this. We want to help. We have to get mages back to Balaia quickly so anything we can do to speed that, to get the elves to trust us, we will do. And does he really have a choice? Right now, we’re all he’s got and, Gods burning, one of us is his brother.’

Erienne could feel the passion in Denser. It was a belief she knew well. She only hoped Rebraal saw it too. She watched Ren talk to him, saw him respond while looking over her shoulder at Denser. He shrugged, his expression hardened but he nodded.

‘So we’re all right by him now, are we?’ Denser was terse.

‘No,’ said Ren. ‘You’re here, that’s all. The Raven. He knows that he needs all the help he can get. Ilkar is the key. Without him, you would not be allowed to travel with him.’

Erienne felt a crawling sensation across her chest. ‘Just what is it that’s so wrong he thinks us worth risking?’

‘Rebraal knows what’s causing

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