The Elemental Collective - Montana Ash Page 0,40

knights. He knew it. He was never going to hear the end of it.

When Dana had magicked herself out of Mordecai’s embrace that morning, she did not have to travel far. As it turned out, it was close to mid-morning and Max and her Order were once again at Eden, ready to work, after retiring for the night to their home by the sea. Dana had paused when she saw all the knowing grins and teasing looks as she walked over to the group, but she held her head up high and continued on. So, I had sex, she thought. It is not like the lot of them are not always going at it like rabbits.

‘Hardly like rabbits, mother. Just because you and father have that type of stamina, doesn’t mean we all do.’ Max teased her mentally. ‘Which is really ick by the way.’

“Titania …” Dana scolded, falling into old habits and calling Max by the name she had bestowed upon her at birth. It was not often she made the mistake. Although she still believed the name fit her daughter, Dana really did see her as Max now.

“What’s a Titania?” Axel asked, looking confused.

Max smirked at her fire paladin. “It’s not a what. It’s a who. Me. I’m Titania.”

Axel’s wide eyes met those of his counterparts. “Your real name is Titania?”

“My real name is Max,” Max quickly corrected. “But ...” she smiled at Dana, reaching out to hold her hand in an affectionate grip. “I’ll always be Titania too.”

Dana returned her daughter’s smile, relieved she had not caused offence.

“So, uh, your nickname would be … tit? Or maybe titties?” Axel asked, trying to hold back his laughter. He quickly yelped however, when Ryker grabbed him in a none-too-gentle headlock.

“I dare you to call her that,” Ryker urged, squeezing for good measure.

Axel choked, tapping out on Ryker’s arm because he couldn’t talk. Ryker released him and Axel stepped back rubbing his throat. “Dude, chill. I won’t call her that – out loud.” He then took off running when Ryker pulled his duel sickles from their sheaths.

Dana chuckled, hugging Max close to her side. “I am so happy for you, sweetheart. Everything is working out – just like you said.”

“Hmmm,” Max agreed. “Who would have thought?”

“Okay, okay. Enough cheek from you,” Dana kissed Max’s forehead and let her go.

“Now, all we need is for you to get your own happy ending,” Max offered.

Feeling a tingle of awareness shoot down her spine, Dana turned her head to find Mordecai’s eyes on her as he strode with purpose across the clearing. “I am working on it,” Dana murmured.

She was more than a little surprised when Mordecai did not slow his movements, instead running right into her and pulling her hard against his chest. His head swooped down and his mouth landed on hers, promising all sorts of pleasures. And, she hoped, a future. It was certainly telling that he kissed her so openly and in front of so many of their kind. Not just Max’s Order. There were dozens of chadens, wardens and paladins around, all eager to help create the new hub of their society.

Dana pulled her mouth from his, her hands resting on what she knew were perfectly hairy, perfectly muscled pecs. “Hello,” she said, ducking her head under his chin.

Mordecai’s laugh rumbled through his chest, causing pleasant vibrations against her cheek. “You are the most intriguing mix of innocence and worldly. How could you possibly still have the ability to blush after last night?”

“Oh. Gag!” Max said, scrunching up her nose.

Mordecai’s green eyes widened and he looked around, as if only just noticing they had an audience. And then he blushed. Hard. Dana thought it was adorable.

“Aww, are you blushing?” Ryker taunted, smirking at Mordecai.

“I can make Max leave you,” was Mordecai’s immediate retort.

“No, you can’t,” Ryker snarked back.

“No, he can’t,” Max agreed, grinning.

“Whatever,” Mordecai said, looking around at their audience. “What the fuck are you all looking at?” he practically yelled, causing everyone to scatter. He then gave Dana his full attention once more. “I will be busy here for a few hours. Then I am heading to the training lodge. Will I see you later?”

Dana bit her lip, her eyes greedily seeking out the truth in his. “Do you want to see me later?”


The reply was perfect in its simplicity and Dana found herself smiling widely. “Then you shall,” she promised.

“What about Otherworld? I thought you were returning? Are we really going to have to wait at Copyright 2016 - 2024