The Elemental Collective - Montana Ash Page 0,39

before scratching at the whiskers on his face. He had made no effort to shave that morning, having better things to do with his time. But he probably should have made the effort to pull on a shirt, given how he was covered in scratches from a certain goddess’s fingernails.

“Or is it Dana who was put away wet?” Tobias taunted cheekily, playing chicken with his life.

Mordecai scowled at them all. “I suggest you keep your comments about Dana to yourself. Otherwise I’ll have her rip out your tongues.”

“You don’t want to do it yourself?” Madigan asked, sidling up next to Mordecai so he could get his own cup of coffee.

Mordecai grunted. “That woman can handle herself. Trust me.” Silence met his statement for a few seconds before he heard their laughter – and he shared in it. He felt damn good. Better than he had in more years than he could count.

Aiden walked over and gripped his shoulder. “We’re happy for you, Mordecai. I cannot think of a more fitting woman for you, my liege, than a goddess. You deserve her.”

Mordecai resolutely swallowed down the lump in his throat, croaking out a, “Thank you,” before drinking his scolding coffee in one huge gulp.

“And where is our goddess this morning?” Aiden asked, looking in the direction of Mordecai’s room.

“She poofed herself away a few minutes ago,” Mordecai replied.

Madigan looked concerned, “Back to Otherworld?”

Mordecai shook his head. “No. Not yet anyway. She said she was going to talk to Max.”

Madigan looked relieved, along with the others. “That’s good. So … what now?”

“Now we have to do a bunch of mental health checks on a bunch of chadens. I also promised Dawn I would take a look at those two paladins who are infected,” Mordecai replied, voicing what was on their agenda today. The chadens had been reacclimatising very well, but the IDC were under no illusions about how hard such a transition must be. As such, Mordecai and Dawn were doing routine checks with their elements to ensure the chadens were okay – both physically and mentally. There had been only one more new case of a paladin showing signs of infection since Celeste was accosted on the beach. Dawn and Jasminka had been working diligently to identify the mechanism as well as treatment and a cure. But they were hitting roadblocks – even with Max’s help. Dawn thought Mordecai’s death domain might be able to shine some light, so he was going to meet her at her new clinic at the Lodge. The clinic would soon be moving to the new building where he now lived, with the infirmary staying as it was at the training lodge for the new recruits. Such a thing had never been done before. Paladins who were injured were simply forced to suck it up. Even wardens who were hurt or drained had been left to the care of their paladins in their own homes. Mordecai was warmed to see a shift of inclusion and caring for their people.

Tobias made a rude noise, drawing Mordecai back from his thoughts. “That’s not what Madi meant and you know it. What now with Dana? Are you two a couple?”

“Are you going to get married and have more magic babies?” Bastien quickly followed up.

Mordecai sent them all a droll look, ignoring them and walking into his room to finish getting dressed. Of course, he couldn’t escape them so easily and they followed close on his heels. They didn’t say anything but he could feel their laser eyes on him as he turned around, no doubt taking in every scratch and bite on his back and shoulders. “We’re working on it, okay?” he said, finally snapping.

“Which part? The couple part or the baby part?” Aiden teased.

Mordecai shook his head. “No babies.” He paused, gulping. “I don’t think. Do you think?” he then asked, a little panicky. After all, their last encounter had made Max and he hadn’t taken any precautions last night. Was there such a thing as goddess contraception? he wondered.

Tobias rolled his eyes, “Relax. Dana warned you last time she was going to use your DNA to try to create an omnipotent being, didn’t she?” Mordecai nodded his head furiously. “Then I’d say your swimmers are safe,” Tobias clapped him on the back. “Now, about the windows …”

Mordecai’s steps faltered on the way to the door and he heard raucous laughter behind him. He closed his eyes and counted to ten before moving again, not acknowledging his sworn Copyright 2016 - 2024