The Elemental Collective - Montana Ash Page 0,18

spying!” She had thought after the whole flower deal and the apology the day before, that perhaps there was a truce looming on the horizon. Apparently, she was wrong. “I do not spy! Yes, I watch – that is pretty much my job description these days. But I do not go around spying on my family.”

Mordecai blew out a harsh breath, easing up his rigid stance. “I’m sorry. I hate that my immediate thought of you is that you’re doing something sneaky or crappy.”

Dana felt the words like a punch to the gut. “I hate that too,” she told him softly.

“I’m sorry,” Mordecai offered again.

“It is what it is,” Dana appreciated his honesty, but it still hurt like a bitch.

“Yeah,” he agreed, looking pained by the admission as well.

Looking around, she did not see any of his paladins but knew they must not be far away. Even in the safety of the house, Mordecai’s knights were always on the job. When he made no effort to move along or speak again, Dana cleared her throat. “I honestly was not spying. I was just listening. Axel plays beautifully.”

Mordecai cocked his head to the side as if just noticing the pure sounds floating out of the room next to them. “He does. Especially considering he’s self-taught.” He shook his head, “Max’s order seems to be filled with innately talented paladins.”

Dana smiled at that because Max’s Order was filled with very special paladins indeed. “Hmmm,” was all she offered though, rocking back and forth slowly to the music.

“Would you like to dance?”

Dana felt her mouth fall open in shock and she looked up at Mordecai in surprise. Had the man just asked her to dance?

“The look of abject horror on your face says it all. Forget I said anything,” Mordecai snarked, already moving away from her.

“No, wait,” she grabbed his arm, turning him around. “It is not that. I would love to dance. I just … I’ve never danced before.”

Mordecai looked down at where she was touching him, and she quickly let him go. He cocked a single eyebrow, disbelief evident in his voice, “Never danced before as in …?”

“As in ever,” she admitted.

“But you’re old as dirt. Hell, you’re older than dirt!” He must have realised what he said because he was quick to apologise, “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel –”

“Ancient?” Dana asked, eyes twinkling with mirth. “I suppose I am. But just when would I get a chance to dance? And with whom?”

Mordecai shrugged his heavy shoulders, looking uncomfortable. “I don’t know. Don’t you have eternity over there? Nothing but time? Seems like plenty of time to learn a hobby or two.”

Dana rolled her eyes at his ignorance. “It does not work that way. Yes, I have nothing but time. I am immortal, after all. But I cannot just go and take up a hobby of my choosing. You really have no idea what I am or what I do.”

Mordecai’s face softened as he considered her more closely. “I’m beginning to see that,” he admitted. Then he shocked her further when he held out his right hand. “So … dance?”

Dana looked at the outstretched hand and smiled small. “I guess I should learn how to dance before Max’s wedding.”

Mordecai went still, “Max is getting married?”

Dana’s grin grew, “She is.”

“What? When?” Mordecai asked, looking shocked and confused.

“Soon,” Dana shrugged, before finally settling her palm in that of Mordecai’s. Warm sparks immediately shot up her arm, causing her heartbeat to accelerate, and her eyes darted to his. His green eyes narrowed on her face, tracing her features as if looking for something. Of what, Dana was not sure. But he was voluntarily touching her – and not to throttle her – so she was not going to overanalyse anything.

The music continued to play, the tempo changing to an even slower, softer beat as Mordecai drew her close to his chest. He really was a very tall man, and her head was barely level with his impressive chest. Still, she did not take advantage of the convenience and maintained enough distance between them so their bodies were not in contact. He reached down and grabbed her left hand, placing it high on his shoulder as he drew her a little closer with a hand to her hip. He was still holding her right hand in his as he started to move in what she knew was a traditional waltz. She was so busy concentrating on what her feet were Copyright 2016 - 2024