Elegant Sins - Stasia Black Page 0,31

at Grace fully since leaving the ballroom other than a quick glance here and there out of the corner of my eye. Side by side we stood as the Elders gathered at the foot of the bed, and I knew the poor girl had to be terrified. How could she not be? But I wanted to see for myself and stole a full look upon her face.

If she was afraid, she hid it well.

Stoic beauty.

I knew what to expect as the Order clearly spelled this ritual out in our society’s handbook. I knew every step that would occur, and I wasn’t sure if it was a blessing or a curse that Grace had no real idea what was coming.

The first beat of the cane announced it was time for the consummation to begin.

Silver cloaks, beady eyes, and fucked up appetites stared upon the empty bed waiting…

There would be no privacy.

Prolonging the inevitable would only torture us both, so I took hold of Grace’s shoulders and turned her to face me. I would offer her one last chance to give me any signal to stop. Show me distress and I would walk her out of the Manor myself. This was her chance to use her safe word, to cry, to snap some sense into herself, to do anything but go down this twisted path.

But the stoic beauty remained.

I had no choice but to continue on.

Step one: strip the belle naked.

Tonight would not be about the art of seduction. Taking it slow would not benefit either one of us as we had a line of men watching our every move.

Taking hold of her blue gown, I began its removal as if I were a robot. I didn’t want to concentrate on the how but more the chore of it. It was just a step. The first step. Get her naked and we could just get this over with and the Elders would leave us alone.

The quiet of the room was maddening, and I needed to move fast. Grace stood in place with her arms at her side. It was clear she wasn’t going to fight me, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to help me, and I didn’t blame her one bit.

As the dress pooled at her feet, I couldn’t help but admire the lingerie-clad woman before me. I would be lying if I said my body didn’t react to the sight. I also would be lying if I didn’t also feel some relief when my cock hardened because I had actually considered stealing a blue pill from my father’s medicine cabinet to help me get through this night but couldn’t bring myself to do so. The last thing I needed was performance issues to occur as I fucked—or tried to fuck—in front of the Elders during my Initiation. I’d had no idea if my body would revolt or respond.

Clearly, as my pants tented, my body chose to respond regardless of the fucked up voyeuristic situation I was in.

I could have stared upon her longer. I could have lowered my lips to the lace of her panties and her bra and licked along the edges as I wanted to do, but this was not the time. There may never be the time, but I knew that this very moment was most definitely not it.

Finishing step one, I divested her of the sexy undergarments, taking a step back and inhaling deeply to steady my nerves. Her entire body was now on full display before me. The only thing she wore was the black ribbon I had tied around her neck. She was my package. A dark gift. Mine.

It was a moment that wouldn’t last long. The Elders still looked upon the empty bed waiting, and so for this short time, Grace was only mine to gaze upon. Only I got to watch as she stood at attention before me. Perky breasts that would fill my palms, curves in all the right places, and a bare pussy just begging to be devoured.

Her eyes were hooded by thick lashes, and her lip quivered. I could see it, sense it… she was fighting against the shame.

I wouldn’t have any part of that. I needed to take the burden of shame off her shoulders if possible.

If she was naked, I would be too.

I didn’t have to remove all my clothing. Nowhere in the handbook did it say I had to be naked. I could have just taken my pants down and shoved my dick inside of

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